Monday, September 30, 2019
Storytelling in Homer’s Odyssey
Tall Tales Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and adventures are the shadow truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes and forgotten. –Neil Gaiman The escapades of wily Odysseus are ingrained into the hearts of countless children. The bedtime story of one man’s journey home and the obstacles he faces along the way forever lives on in youthful imagination. Alas, a problem arises when mythology-loving children grow up. Vocabulary and comprehension matures slowly over time, and, at some point, the youth is ready to delve into the feast that is Homer’s unabridged poetry.As the reader devours book after book of The Odyssey, he or she finds comforting familiarity in the stories, the characters, and the monsters, but something is not quite right. While hearing of Odysseus’ adventures as a child, the action was spoken from the steady voice of a omnipresent narrator, but in Homer’s work, the poet often speaks through Odysseus as a storyteller recounting his glorious past. This is when the disillusioned youth comes to a devastating conclusion: Odysseus is a liar.Homer distances himself as the poet from the more fantastic tales that the reader recognizes from youth: the Lotus eaters, the Laestrygonians, the Cyclops, Scylla and Charybdis, Circe, Aeolus and the winds. All these wondrous tales are told from the deceitful, crafty mouth of Odysseus. To the Phaeacians, he is a illustrious adventurer ready for derring-do at all times. To the knowing Athena, he claims to be a Cretan fugitive. And to Eumaeus and Telemachus, he in all his craftiness asserts that he is (while still a Cretan) a beggar who fought alongside the great Odysseus on the Trojan shore.Odysseus adopts these facades for different motives, but the response to his stories are unanimously positive. Through his stories, Odysseus does not sacrifice his integrity, rather he gains honor. When the eager reader reaches Book IX, he or she reaches some of th e most familiar events in Homer’s lore. Homer, through Odysseus’ account to the Phaecians, crafts some of the most thrilling action in the poem. Daring escapes, clever plans, and terrifying beasts are woven into a tapestry of wonder and enchantment. Yet for the great storyteller that he is, Odysseus s hesitant to relate his tale. â€Å"But now you wish to know my cause for sorrow / and thereby give me cause for more†(Homer 158). As exaggerated as the following account is, Odysseus seems to be truthful about his grief. Whether or not his men perished as he claims is not certain, but death was the end to their stories nonetheless. Odysseus honors the memory of these men by spinning a yarn so great that his men become immortal in his story. This does not, however, mean that he wishes to present his shipmates as faultless.He freely lays blame on the crew for releasing King Aeolus’ winds. By doing this, Odysseus proves his skill as a raconteur by showing manà ¢â‚¬â„¢s greedy nature and the consequences that are a result. Odysseus’ goal is not to raise himself up as the greatest of heroes either. He freely admits to his follies and to the deaths that heavy his heart with guilt. Odysseus confesses to his own human weaknesses saying, â€Å"Now, being a man, I could not help consenting†(189), when tempted by Circe to forgo his return home to Ithaca, putting his men in danger in the process.He even tells how one of his men, Eurylochus, blamed Odysseus for the death of his shipmates at the hands of the Cyclops, â€Å"That daring man! They died for his foolishness! †(190). He willingly admits to being overpowered by lust in the case of Circe, but he also tells of his tactical genius concerning the Sirens. Odysseus’ story is not a matter of boastfulness, rather a matter of honor, his own and that of his fallen comrades. Clearly, the Phaecians are satisfied with the narrative, â€Å"He ended it, and no one stirred o r sighed / in the shadowy hall, spellbound as they all were†(241).So impressed by the story and empathetic to Odysseus’ losses, in fact, that King Alcinous almost immediately loads his ship and has a Phaecian crew sail him back to Ithaca. The Phaecians are so entertained and enamored by Odysseus’ eloquence that they believe any word that flows from his lips, no matter how ludicrous. Odysseus does not set out to deceive his hosts, quite the opposite. When King Alcinous asks him to relate his travels, he does not want facts, he wants a story. After incurring the wrath of Poseidon one last time, Odysseus awakens on an Ithaca that he does not recognize thanks to Athena’s deviousness.When confront by the goddess in disguise, Odysseus â€Å"†¦ answered her / with read speech–not that he told the truth, / but, just as she did, held back what he knew, / weighing within himself at every step / what he made up to serve his turn†(250). After clai ming to be a Cretan fleeing his homeland after murdering a courier, Athena reveals herself to her favorite Odysseus. Then, surprisingly, she does not chastise him for lying, instead she praises him for his gift of deception, â€Å"Whoever gets around you must be sharp / and guileful as a snake; even a god / might bow to you in ways of dissimulation. You! You chameleon! †(251). Athena is not condoning Odysseus deceit, she is commending him. This prioritization of wit and cleverness over straight honesty is harder for modern readers to fully grasp than it would have been for the Greeks hearing the lovely recitation. Using the guise of a Cretan once more (fittingly because as the famous Cretan Epimenides once said, â€Å"All Cretans are liars,†) Odysseus tests the swineherd’s, Eumaeus’, loyalty and hospitality.Odysseus hints that Eumaeus’ master may be closer than he expects (263). In direct contrast to the Phaecians response, Eumaeus does not let hi mself believe the words of the stranger, how ever silver-tongued he may be. Eumaeus responds to the hidden Odysseus’ message of hope with pessimism concerning lonely Penelope, old Laertes, and absent Telemachus. In the manner of Greek hospitality, Odysseus and Eumaeus share a meal, wine, and stories, and while Eumaeus’ origin may not be as mythic as Odysseus, who is to say it is factual?His background is shared gracefully enough that even the esteemed Odysseus complements Eumaeus’ skill, â€Å"That was a fine story, and well told, / not a word out of place, not a pointless word†(275). When Telemachus returns, Odysseus carries on his charade. In the guise of a old beggar, Odysseus tests Telemachus’ valor saying, â€Å"If my heart were as young as yours, if I were / son to Odysseus, or the man himself, / I’d rather have my head cut from my shoulders / then to suffer the pestilence that is the suitors†(304).In rebuttal to this harsh in sult, Telemachus explains that Odysseus left him too young to prevent the suitors from swarming to Penelope. It is then that Athena deems it time to reveal Odysseus’ true form. This revelation and reunion is not only touching, but it also fills Telemachus with a pride and hunger to face the suitors. Odysseus disguised himself on Ithaca for almost four days before enacting revenge on the suitors who dishonor his home. Why would he wait so long? Why not burst through the doors right away and start cutting down men one by one?Odysseus never claims to be the strongest, the boldest, or even the bravest, but everyone knows that Odysseus is the wiliest. It is Odysseus, the master tactician and master of disguise, not a rage-filled berserker that reclaims his throne. It is safe to assume that Odysseus’ stories are not factual, but that in no way justifies the statement, â€Å"Odysseus is a liar. †His purpose in the story to the Phaecians is not to recount his travels v erbatim, rather he only wishes to convey the bravery of his men and the sadness in his heart. By the end of his tale, the hall is silent with grief.His reason for acting as a Cretan outlaw is not treachery, but an exercise in his great skill. He hides himself to his friends and family not out of malice, but so his intellectual stratagem banishes the suitors to Hades, not brute strength. Odysseus’s slyness and wit are to be admired, not admonished. When he announces his identity to the Phaecians, he does not cite his brute strength or skill in warfare as his gifts. He exclaims proudly, â€Å"I am Laertes’ son, Odysseus / Men hold me formidable for guile in peace and war: / this fame has gone abroad to the sky’s rim†(158).While heroes such as Achilles and Heracles establish their place in legend and eternity among Elysian fields with force and passion, Odysseus forever immortalized himself in the epics of the Ancients and the storybooks of children because of he is a â€Å"man of twists and turns†who knows how to tell a good story.Works Cited Gaiman, Neil. The Sandman Vol. 3: Dream Country. New York, New York: DC Comics, 1991. Homer. The Odyssey. Trans. Robert Fitzgerald. Garden City, New York: Doubleday ; Company, 1992.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Branches of Philosophy Essay
1. Logic Logic is the science and art of correct thinking. It attempts to codify the rules of rational thought. Logicians explore the structure of arguments that preserve truth or allow the optimal extraction of knowledge from evidence. Logic is one of the primary tools philosophers use in their inquiries; the precision of logic helps them to cope with the subtlety of philosophical problems and the often misleading nature of conversational language. 2. Ethics. Ethics is the study of the nature of right and wrong and good and evil, in terms both of considerations about the foundations of morality, and of practical considerations about the fine details of moral conduct. Moral philosophers may investigate questions as sweeping as whether there are such things moral facts at all, or as focused as whether or not the law ought to accord to rape victims the right to an abortion. 3. Metaphysics Metaphysics is the study of the nature of things. Metaphysicians ask what kinds of things exist, and what they are like. They reason about such things as whether or not people have free will, in what sense abstract objects can be said to exist, and how it is that brains are able to generate minds. 4. Epistemology Epistemology is the study of knowledge itself. Epistemologists ask, for instance, what criteria must be satisfied for something we believe to count as something we know, and even what it means for a proposition to be true. Epistemology is sometimes referred to as the â€Å"theory of knowledge. †5. Axiology Axiology is philosophical the study of value; the investigation of its nature, criteria, and metaphysical status. More often than not, the term â€Å"value theory†is used instead of â€Å"axiology. †6. Aesthetics Aesthetics is the study of value in the arts or the inquiry into feelings, judgments, or standards of beauty and related concepts. Philosophy of art is concerned with judgments of sense, taste, and emotion. Other Divisions of Philosophy 1. Philosophy of the Mind 2. Philosophy of the Person 3. Political Philosophy 4. Social Philosophy 5. Philosophy of Language 6. Philosophy of Science 7. Philosophy of Art 8. Philosophy of Language 9. Philosophy of Religion 10. Philosophy of Law 11. Philosophy of Education 12. Philosophy of History _______________________________ Cruz, Corazon L. 2005. Philosophy of man (third edition). Mandaluyong City: National bookstore Divisions and definition of philosophy. 2005. Available at http://philosophy. lander. edu/intro/what. shtml. Retrieved last November 8, 2010. Gripaldo, Rolando M. 2008. Philosophy, Sophism/Sophistry, and Pilosopo. Included in The philosophical landscape : A panoramic perspective on philosophy. Quezon City: C&E Publishing. Vuletic, Mark I. 2010. What is philosophy? Available at http://www. vuletic. com/hume/ph/philosophy. html. Accessed last November 8, 2010.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
An Introduction To The Operations Management Concepts Business Essay
An Introduction To The Operations Management Concepts Business Essay Operations Management has been defined by Krajewski, et al. (2007) as the control and direction of the processes of the organization that changes its input materials to products and/or services for its customers. This report will compare how Mercedes-Benz and Honda manage their operations. The comparison might be useful because it would help identify various ways an organisation could be run in order to meet its goals and objectives. The report will give a brief background of the two organizations mentioned above and then would move on to the comparison of their marketing strategies and competitive priorities. Finally, the importance of frameworks such as capacity planning, inventory management, supply chain design, Total quality management and performance measures, would be discussed and how they could be useful in helping an organisation function efficiently and effectively. A) COMPANY BACKGROUND OF MERCEDEZ BENZ [MERCEDEZ-BENZ U.S. INTERNATIONAL, inc. (MBUSI)] and HONDA [HONDA MA NUFACTURING OF ALABAMA, LLC. (HMA)]. MERCEDEZ-BENZ (MBUSI) Mercedes-Benz U.S. International, Inc. ( was established for the main purpose of manufacturing the M-Class. The M-class was such a huge success that they decided in August 2000 to expand the facility not only to manufacture more units of It, but also to include the R and GL-classes to its product list. The expansion not only doubled the plant size but also the labor force. The plant consists of a body shop, paint shop and two assembly shops. MBUSI receives orders from their 135 worldwide markets. MBUSI uses the â€Å"Just-in-Time†(JIT) philosophy which implies that they do not stockpile large amounts of the inventory they use to assemble their cars. HONDA (HMA) HMA ( manufactures the odyssey, ridgeline and pilot models for the world wide market. HMA’s investment in Alabama is over $1.4billion with the construction of a new Honda Engineering facility, on-site con solidation center and steel blanking operation. One of their goals is to be able to produce goods with high quality and sell at a reasonable price. HMA can be referred to as a Zero Landfill Facility due to the fact that they are committed to the principle of â€Å"Reduce, Reuse and Recycle†. They have made efforts in curbing energy use during their production processes, and this has earned them an energy star award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). A.1) OPERATION/TRANSFORMATION PROCESS OF THE ORGANIZATIONS MERCEDEZ-BENZ (MBUSI) The manufacturing process for both models begins in the Body Shop where the components that comprise the metal body are welded together. From the body shop, they are taken to the ultra-clean Paint Shop where the cars are painted. Finally, they end up in the Assembly where it becomes a new Mercedes-Benz M, R, or GL-Class ready for shipping. From beginning to end, these vehicles are created with style, functionality, and quality in min d ( HONDA (HMA) Honda Manufacturing of Alabama (HMA) has the largest output for Honda light trucks. It has the capacity to create over 300,000 odyssey minivans, pilot sport utility vehicles, Ridgeline pick-up trucks and V-6 engines annually (
Friday, September 27, 2019
Fiscal Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Fiscal Policy - Essay Example However, fiscal policy is more effective in the short-run as in the long-run there is stabilizing economic forces that ensure the output moves back to its potential (Taylor, 2009). The fiscal policy involves increasing government spending or reducing taxes to stimulate aggregate demand or vice versa to reduce demand. Some countries focus on the supply-side of the economy to ensure a more permanent change. The paper will discuss the effects of fiscal policy on the economy. Taxation Expansionary fiscal policy involves cutting taxes and increasing government spending. Taxation is a source of revenue for the government to fund expenditure. If it decides to cut taxes, then it runs a budget deficit. A reduction in income tax leaves individuals with more disposable income to spend on consumption thus raising aggregate demand. As demand increases, the producers are forced to produce more and employ more factors of production. This leads to more output and employment and increased economic ac tivity (Sexton, 2008). However, income tax can only be adjusted annually on the budget hence it is difficult to apply this policy. It also depends on whether the households use extra income for consumption and not saving since savings is a withdrawal from the circular flow of income. The government can also increase transfers such as unemployment insurance, and in turn disposable income leading to more consumption (Riley, 2006). Lower taxes and increased transfers act as an incentive for workers to add more hours and increase productivity hence increased output and employment. Increasing taxes acts as a disincentive to work. If workers get less income by the end of the day compared to what they were getting, they would be dissatisfied and would not be willing to work extra hours. However, some would put more hours to cover the lost income but would lose their productivity due to low morale. There would also be low labour supply as not many individuals would be willing to work leadin g to low output in the economy (Taylor, 2009). Indirect taxes can also be used to discourage consumption especially of demerit goods. A government can impose duty on alcohol and cigarettes leading to lower demand for the items hence low output and employment. Tax incentives such as Subsidies to producers on the other hand lead to decline in cost of production hence reduced prices and consequently increased demand. Increased demand leads to production of more output hence increased economic activity (Creel & Sawyer, 2009). A decline in corporation tax attracts domestic and foreign investors’ hence increased fixed capital spending on technology, labour skills, infrastructure (Mankiw, 2008). Tax allowance on research and development encourages innovation and more business start-up thus increased employment and consequently increased aggregate demand. Government Spending Fiscal policy entails increasing government spending but a contractionary fiscal policy involves reducing gove rnment spending to curb excess demand. A government spends on infrastructure, and provision of essential services such as education and health. This adds directly to the aggregate demand of the economy hence stimulating economic activity. The government can finance its spending by borrowing from abroad or domestic market as raising taxes can lead to further weakening of the economy due to reduced demand. Improved infrastructure leads to more investments due to opening up of new markets and entry
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Describing the leadership style of someone you respect Essay
Describing the leadership style of someone you respect - Essay Example Leadership is about how one overlooks personal interest to satisfy the needs of an organization and its workforce. This is exhibited prominently by Bobbi Quick, the former VP of operations at the Member Service centre where I work. Leadership is about what one thinks of themselves and the self-image one presents. Tracy Brian emphasizes this in the assertion â€Å"If you want to be a leader or a better leader, remember that it’s all up to you. It’s in your hands, or, even more important, in your mind†(Tracy 7). Quick has unceasingly demonstrated the ability to lead effortlessly and exemplary. Firstly, there exists an inherent belief to be a great leader that has in point of fact become a reality (Tracy 56). Self-confidence and the desire to lead are integral components that I admire in Quick’s form of leadership. Bobbi Quick’s approach to governance characterizes transactional leadership. A transactional leader is one who organizes people to realize a set objective. To some extent, a transactional and transformational leader presents similar characteristics. Quick’s basis of power is based on the interests of the workforce and their adaptability to the work setting. She has such high energy and really gets individuals excited to work for her while making one feel their contributions to the business really matter. In the main, it is her personality that fuels the remarkable association she has with the workforce. To a great extent, she reminds me of Groucho Marx’ quote, â€Å"Only one man in a thousand is a leader of men -- the other 999 follow women.†It is nearly impossible to such a leader who not only leads but also inspires and influences the workforce. This sentiment is echoed by Alan Murray, who posits that leadership is about adapting to the situation at ha nd and the requirements of the people involved. The influence that Bobbi Quick has in my life is
Political Science Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Political Science - Coursework Example In addition, there is science in political science especially in the field of theory that basically relies on normative valuations of the politics, the involved techniques and the theories that depend on normative analysis of political procedures and the possible consequences. In political science, most of the work entails quantitative and qualitative study of any representations or statistics from experimental sources. Political science tries to analyze the political processes, philosophies and actors as being both a science and an art. Therefore political science is a social science that is apprehensive with the general society as well as the behaviors of human beings (Kevin, 2012). The myth that the situation in our self-governing capitalist society is politically impartial, this implies that it is accessible as a set of institutes and mechanisms to of any kind group earns an election. The age of Reason (Enlightenment) was accompanied with the people considering that the cognitive ability of men would perhaps lead them to peace, safety, an upright government and perfect society. The age of Reason had a primary role exposing the insufficiencies of the current government. Though, there was a variance in viewpoint in the issue modern organizations. Some people were in favor of the authoritarian system of governing, whereas others contrasted the State. The followers of an authoritarian state and the public had no idea that men are logically reasonable and good enough allowing them to be reliable in the achievement of an impulsive collaboration (Kevin, 2012). A strong theory is one that can be proven wrong, this is because theories can be proven wrong via the use of facts that are contrary in a credible manner. Researchers continue to carry out various researches, for this reason a good theory is one that researchers will try to come up with new evidence that tries to question it. A good instance is
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Physilogical birth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Physilogical birth - Essay Example Physiologic birth is often relegated in the periphery, particularly by nurses tasked with giving care to pregnant women on the verge of the delivery process. Noteworthy, it is utterly pointless to intervene if such is not necessary. Physiological birth should, thus, be promoted to erase the horrible birth memories. As Jenifer Block notes in her piece titled â€Å"Pushed: The Painful Truth about Childbirth and Modern Maternity Care†, a woman is more likely to have a positive birth experience when she feels in control. Such thoughts and emotions lessen the impact of labor pains. Interestingly, the doulas, the check –box birth plan, the Bradley method, Lamaze, and hypnobirthing classes –all give women some sense of control. The question is, if all these give pregnant women the needed control, then â€Å"why are there only 20% having optimal birth experiences, with a whooping 43% suffering morbidity in childbirth?†asks Block (2007). The answer seems quite straight forward as it is; a great deal of misunderstanding exists over what physiological birth really means. Consequently, that very misunderstanding finds its way to ruin that special moment of happiness due to knowledge inadequacy. While Obstetricians are trained to intervene in cases of emergencies, it is important to incorporate the perceptive lenses of natural birth when rendering care to the laboring women. As a specialist trained in this area, I will not only spread the very importance of physiological birth, beginning with my own family, but ensure as a medic that I only intervene when it is absolutely
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
3010 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
3010 - Essay Example nt significance to highlight that majority of the problems faced by the organizations always revolve around the management flaws, that trickle down to the employees (Shermon, 36). This contributes towards hampering the organizational performances. As such, the organization may be considerably impacted with failures in certain measures. In relation to the above, it is important to understand some of the eminent problems that most organizations always face that may always contribute towards organizational failures. One of the problems that contribute towards hindering success in organizational setups is the ineffective performance management processes employed within those organizational setups. In some situations, the organizational may fail to have any organizational performance management process in place. This is very critical for such organizations since lack of such performance management processes is always amongst the top ranking agents of failure (Shermon, 41). The other problem may take the form of lack of, as well as, ill-defined performance expectations. This may present major challenges towards the realization of success in the organizations. In some situations, the performance expectations may be poorly communicated to the staff, thereby acting as amongst the top ranked predisposing factors of organiza tional failure. Other than the listed above, the inconsistent management practices employed within organizations as well as companies may also hinder the realization of the success. Furthermore, the partial participation of the managers and some leaders may also be one of the agents of organizational failure in companies (Shermon, 56). This is a big problem since some leaders may be fully engaged in discharging the best of their efforts towards realization of good results, whereas others may essentially ignore managing the performance. This is akin to organizational failure. Therefore, in order to address these organizational challenges and problems, it
Monday, September 23, 2019
Sustainability Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Sustainability Management - Essay Example Like never before, solutions to the pressing needs of Rwanda may not be necessarily being found within the limits of its politics. (Ikeno, Jun, 29) Considering that the established arrangement of institutions in Rwanda are not so well placed to possess power to deliver policies that are required or those policies that have been requested by themselves. (Stoke, Peter, 12)These institutions have to take part in the transnational and polycentric governance network upon which power is dispersed. The weaknesses that Rwanda faces include the pressure from the growth exhibited internationally including from the neighboring Kenya. Some of these challenges also come from the emergence of non-state actors with new methods of mobilization. (Stoke, Peter, 43)To this end, the paper will isolate and discus the specific emergence of policy void in Rwanda. First and foremost, Rwanda’s high dependency on the foreign assistance puts the country in awkward situation. This was especially after the World Bank slashed the aid after the United Nation’s report suggesting that Rwanda was aiding in fueling violence in Democratic Republic of Congo. This has provided a wakeup call to Rwanda which now believes that attraction of investors is much more beneficial than seeking the donor aid that comes with conditions. There is also a huge gap that Rwanda has in the line of technology. Technology is envisaged to have the potential of converting the economy from agricultural base to knowledge base. A number of companies are now investing on this industry considering that startup is relatively cheaper to companies in the country than in the neighboring countries like Kenya. There is a considerable effort that Rwanda has made to ensure that it transform itself into technological hub. Apart from wiring itself with over a thousand miles of fiber optic cables, and further signing a deal for 4G network, the country has also ensured that ICT is
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Military nurses Essay Example for Free
Military nurses Essay The nurses gave care to the men who were wounded during the war. They gave the care that was needed for example, medical care to dress up the wounds of the men. For those who became paralyzed, the nurses supported them physically and emotionally. They clothed and fed them. The families of those who made it and their loved ones spoke of the care they received from the nurses and glorified their assistance. They continued to acknowledge their presence and selfless efforts to assist them. (Song, p78) The military nurses conducted talks at high schools. They wanted to educate the students regarding the careers available and what it would take for them to be qualified. They gave their stories and the challenges that they faced during their work. When the students were asked which profession was toughest and most demanding, they said it was nursing. (Chen, p45) Given all the stories that they heard, they concluded that, if they had to be a nurse, then it was tantamount to a vocation which demanded that one leaves behind all other dreams just to serve as a nurse. It was even more challenging for the nurses because they did not have proper health facilities from which to operate. They set up tents and the tent was used to carry out even very delicate surgery operations. The medical facilities were described to be beyond primitive. (Insun, p456) Ironically, it was compared to TV Show and MASH movie. The environment was dirty and non sterile. They did not have adequate instruments. In addition, the hands at work were not enough. The emergency cases were so many yet the nurses were few and could therefore not deal with the workload by themselves. To make the matter worse, there were some equipment which had to be shared during surgical procedures which were absolutely required to save people’s lives, yet they had not been sterilized. For example, the nurses did not have suction. Also missing was penicillin for irrigating the wounds. There was no blood for transfusion yet the majority of cases which were received were of people who had lost too much blood and needed more. The casualties out in the field were just so many. Despite the terrible state of the tents functioning as hospitals, all the casualties were taken there. (Woodside, p67-p89) These nurses were the only hope and the lives of people and soldiers were only entrusted with them. It was hoped that, once they treated them, they would eventually be sent back to fight. These women nurses were not allowed to cry. (Insun p56) They were supposed to encourage and give hope to the dying. It was very wrong to cry in front of the wounded men and the dying ones. These men needed the strength of these women in that poor state of their health. The women were not supposed to gain luxury out of their own feelings. At the same time, the nurses were not supposed to lie to the soldiers regarding their health. If they were dying they were supposed to tell then straight in their faces. (Taylor, p34) This was such a torment to them. The nurses at times were not able to get along with their nursing director and therefore sought transfer. Unfortunately, they were transferred to the war-torn areas and much worse than the areas they were previously serving. In addition women were supposed to fly runs for evacuation and many of the nurses had not had a chance to be in a helicopter, but they could not give up this responsibility since there was no one else to do it. The women serving in the medical personnel were the most inexperienced too serve during the time of war. Besides that, they feared for their lives especially because the soldiers depended on them for medical care. (Yu, Insun, 278) The nurses also went to Vietnamese villages and set up medial centers and clinical which they used to treat those children who had eye infections, skin diseases and intestinal diseases. Most of the diseases came form the bacteria which was always present. (Woodside, p36) Conclusion The stories of Vietnamese women are one that can drive a reader to point of tears. The sufferings and torture that these women went through is a living proof of their sacrifices. These women put their lives on line to restore peace and harmony as well as save lives. Despite the various roles and professions that were engaged in they never gave up their roles in the family as mothers, caretakers, wives and advisers. Their contributions particularly during the time of war deserve praise and honor. They should be rewarded for their efforts. They did what many women are not believed they can do. (Chen, 236) The women did not show cowardice but actually displayed courage and perseverance. Vietnamese women are a symbol of strength that is possessed by the women and discourages women to take a back seat in all matters. From the experiences, it is obvious that without the support that they gave to the soldiers, they would not have accomplished much in their country. It is high time that Vietnamese women held their leads high and walked with pride and dignity they have. Works Cited Chen, King C. Vietnam and China, 1938-1954. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969. Song, Jungnam. History of Vietnam. Bu-san: Bu-san University Press, 1966. Taylor, Keith W. The Birth of Vietnam. Redwood City: Berkeley, University of California Press, 1983. Taylor, Keith W. and Whitmore, John K. eds. Essays into Vietnamese Pasts. Ithaca: Southeast Asia Program Publications, Cornell University, 1995. Woodside, Alexander B. Vietnam and Chinese Model. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1971.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Once Upon A Time by Gabriel Okara
Once Upon A Time by Gabriel Okara The poet of the poem Once upon a time is Gabriel Okara who is a Nigerian. He was born on 24th or 21st of April in the year 1921.In that year Nigeria got independence from Britain so at that time they were still influenced by the British culture. The background of the poem is that he is remembering the way people used to behave and interact with each other and he is comparing it with how people interact with others now. How the people used to do things with their hearts and with pleasure and happiness. It describes what happens when a traditional African culture and civilisation meets with the western culture. My personal opinion of the purpose of this poem is to outline the behaviour and personality people have at the moment and try and bring them back to the personality that people used to have, when they used to do things with emotion and with their heart The poem is a conversation between a father and his son where the son does things with emotion and the father wants to forget his fake personality and re-learn and create real personalities from his son. And he is asking the son to show him how to express true love and show real personality to others. It the first stanza the author mentions that people used to laugh with their heart they used to laugh with their emotions, when they would laugh they would do it wholeheartedly and with warmth and they used to laugh with their eyes and show pleasure with them. And know they do it with only their teeth not with their heart, meaning they do not really want to laugh but do it just to get closer to you and with their darky gloomy cold eyes they watch you and wait for you from the corner of their eyes waiting for you to leave search behind my shadow. In my opinion the words they refer to the white people who had invaded their country and influenced them with their culture. In this stanza the words ice-block-cold eyes is used these words emphasize the coldness and the inner hatred they have for you like they can freeze water with their gaze. These also make the poem feel a bit dark and cold and a slight bit sinister In the second stanza he further talks about the personalities of the people of the past he says they used to shake with their hearts here he is trying to say that when you would meet each other you will shake their hands with pleasure and with warmth and do it willingly. While their left hands search my empty pockets from this we can see that they are trying to use him to get to his money or receive something from him. This also shows that the peoples personalities are not real and true In the third stanza he is talking about when people ask you to come again and say feel at home you go there once, twice and the third time they will not let you in thinking that you are a pest and that they do not wanted to see you anymore. The words feel at home is used for when you want a guest to feel welcomed and that they belong in that household. Here he mentions that I find the doors shut on me this shows that they do not even open the door to tell him that he is not wanted and the moment but instead leaves the door closed keeping him standing outside. This also shows that when people speak they lie not telling the truth but just saying something nice to grasp their heart. In the fourth stanza he talks about how he has learned to put on faces like how outfits and masks are put on at different times, and with different people you act differently, for example in the office you act in one way to a person but when you meet them on the street you act another way to them, and how all the faces that people have on different occasions. He says I have learned too which is suggesting that he has also changed with the change of the people around him. he also mentions with all their conforming smiles like a fixed portrait suggesting that they all have the same smile all the time not showing any true emotion. In the fifth stanza he says that he has also been influenced by the people around him and he has learned to keep his true personality a secret and show the world a fake personality, to laugh with only me teeth this part is connected with the part in the first stanza they only laugh with their teeth from this you can see a comparison of what people do and what he does now. This also shows that he has changed to blend in with the environment. Here in the part where he says I have also learned to say `Goodbye when I mean `Good-riddance that is pointing out to the fact that they will, without thinking and without meaning it they will say Goodbye. He mentions forward that Glad to meet you meaning that he is happy to see you and is happy with your presence without being glad meaning that the did not wanted to talk to you and they disliked your presence and if they could they would of avoided you and its been nice talking to you, after being bored saying that they say things that they do no t mean In the fifth stanza he concludes it all saying that he does not like what he has become and he wants to be like he used to be when he was like a child so small and innocent. He points out that he really wants to learn how to laugh with emotions like you really mean it and he compares his laugh like that of a snakes fangs that shows only the teeth snakes are those menacing creatures that are full of venom and can never be trusted and to compare his laugh with a snake gives the image that the man really does not like his fake personality. This stanza sums it well by giving the image to the reader that he is not happy and satisfied with himself The last stanza is the farther asking and pleading to his son to show him how to laugh and smile like he did when he was a child. The last line sums up the entire poem really well making sure that all strings are tied The structure of the poem is really good and consistent most of the stanzas have 6 lines in them. It is a very nice poem with a nice smooth flow
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Disputed Reign of Dowager Empress Tz’u-hsi Essay -- Essays Papers
The Disputed Reign of Dowager Empress Tz’u-hsi Historical record is not always an accurate representation of fact. An example of this would be the long reign of the Dowager Empress Tz’u-hsi, in which there were hundreds of documents written about her life. These documents have been taken and used in the production of numerous books, especially among Western historians. It was these early historians who have established the widely accepted perspective that Tz’u-hsi hungered for power, abused it, and retained it using any means necessary. This understanding is echoed today by authors such as W.G. Sebald, author of The Rings of Saturn. There are many differences between the accounts of the Western perspective and that of Sebald’s, but the overall idea of Tz’u-Hsi as a conniving and unworthy Empress is intact between the two. Still, the investigation is not over. There happens to be an abundance of historical documentation and opinion that contradicts the Western view on Tz’u-hsi. First, We stern accounts of the major issues in Tz’u-hsi’s reign will be examined; following this will be a look at how unreliable these sources are by showing their inconsistencies, where the arguments came from, and the all the other evidence supporting a different perspective on the great Empress. It is possible the Empress was everything that her enemies said she was, but the evidence at hand does not support image of a sinister Tz’u-hsi. The Western perspective on the Dowager Empress is harsh and W.G. Sebald is perhaps the harshest of all of the Western historians. One of Sebald’s first descriptions of the Empress is that her â€Å"craving for power was insatiable†(Sebald 147). Sebald wastes no time in backing up this claim. At the cru... ...istorians like Sebald recognize the uncertainty. Works Cited Bland, J. O. P., and E. Backhouse. China Under the Empress Dowager. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1914. Chung, Sue Fawn. â€Å"The Much Maligned Empress Dowager : A Revisionist Study of the Empress Dowager Tz’u-his.†Modern Asian Studies. 13 vol. Cambrige UP, 1979. JSTOR. 1 May 2005 <>. Collis, Maurice. The Motherly and Auspicious. New York: G.P. Putnam’s, 1944. Laidler, Keith. The Last Empress. Chichester: John Wiley, 2003. Seagrave, Sterling. Dragon Lady. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1992. Sebald, W. G. The Rings of Saturn. Trans. Michael Hulse. London: Harvill, 1995. Vare, Daniele. The Last Empress. Garden City: Doubleday, Doran, 1938. Warner, Marina. The Dragon Empress. New York: Macmillan, 1972.
Sai Baba :: essays research papers
On November 23, 1926, in a remote village in southern India, Sai Baba was born and given the family name of Satyanarayana Raju. He was one of the person born for success. Many stories began that after Sathya was born, strange "miracles" were beginning to occur. His was different from the children around him, and his actions and behaviors were obviously very strange. He was a vegetarian, unlike the rest of his family. He lived opposite his parents in a way that his life was nothing like theirs. At the age of 13, Sathya received some sort of pain in his foot. He was unconscious for a day, and when he awoke, his behavior had awkwardly changed. People believed that he was possessed by an evil spirit. In 1940, people began to call Sathya an incarnation of God. Sathya corrected this accusation easily by telling his father that he wasn't an incarnation of God, but of a Moslem holy man, named Sai Baba of Shirdi. He had passed away in 1918, eight years before Sathya's birth. Sathya's fame was widely spread when the stories of his "miracles" were passed on. He was known to heal the sick, and the blind. He also protected those who needed help. Sathya has physically appeared in two places at the same time and he has raised several people from the dead. The way Sathya's miracle stories have been passed on, reminds me of how Jesus' stories were passed on, and easily believed. They both healed the blind, the sick, helped the needy. But it is obvious that Sathya could never be compared to Jesus. Sathya's teachings have influenced many people, and have caused more than 10, 000 service organizations throughout the world. There are thousands of followers that have lived by the words and teachings of Sathya.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Greedy Politics and America’s War On Iraq Essay -- Politics Political
On the morning of March 19, 2003, U.S.-led forces began to invade the Middle-Eastern country of Iraq with the intention of overthrowing its leader, Saddam Hussein. This action was taken primarily as a result of U.S. President George W. Bush’s long-standing contention that the Iraqi regime was a direct threat to the United States. Bush outlined his reasons for the attack in a speech he delivered to the American people in the days before the war: Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised. This regime has already used weapons of mass destruction against Iraq's neighbors and against Iraq's people. The regime has a history of reckless aggression in the Middle East. It has a deep hatred of America and our friends. And it has aided, trained and harbored terrorists, including operatives of al Qaeda (Bush â€Å"Ultimatum†1). More than a year and a half ago, on September 11, 2001, a group of terrorists from the al Qaeda network hijacked four airliners and successfully used three of them to attack the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and the World Trade Center in New York. These attacks marked the first time in American history that a full-scale attack was executed on our own soil, and they affected the American people on a number of different levels. Americans found themselves shocked that such an event could occur, as well as reeling with grief for the more than 3,000 people who died in the tragedy. Soon, the shock and grief that penetrated the hearts of the American people gave way, in part, to a sense of national pride. American flags waved from every overpass, and â€Å"God Bless America†could be heard on every r... ...arcourt, Brace and World, Inc. 1968. pp. 361-380. (Text available at Raasch, Chuck. â€Å"Public opinion intensifies on both sides of Iraq war.†The Advocate. 2 April, 2003: Stolberg, Cheryl Gay. â€Å"Threats and Responses: Washington Talk; And Order of Fries, Please, But Do Hold the French†. New York Times. 12 March 2003, Late Edition: Sec. A, p. 1, col. 5. Byrd, Robert C. â€Å"We Stand Passively Mute†. 12 February, 2003. Donnelly, Thomas, et al. Rebuilding America’s Defenses. Project for the New American Century. September 2000. (
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Profound book Essay
In his profound book on Theism, J. L. Mackie, who is widely considered a champion of the atheistic school discusses the various bases on which the concept of God is founded, perceived and practiced the world over. In so doing, he touches upon the various approaches that have either necessitated God or have described God. In chapter 9, which Mackie has aptly named the â€Å"Problem of Evil†, he questions the basis of the description of God provided by almost all the religions of the world and all the theistic philosophies at one point of time or another. God is described according to traditional theism, as omnipotent (and omniscient) and wholly good. Mackie’s question starts with the poser â€Å".. and yet there is evil in this world. How can this be? †(Mackie, 150). The question that Mackie poses and the logic he supplies are wholly satisfactory to the intellect to understand and appreciate his question, to say the least. Mackie argues that according to the initially plausible and widely admitted premise, Good is opposed to evil that being good eliminates Evil. Proceeding with the same logic, a good and potent being eliminates Evil as far as he can and God being Omnipotent and, there being no limits to His capacity, there should be no Evil at all. Mackie goes on to point out (rather gleefully) â€Å"then we do have a contradiction. A wholly good omnipotent would eliminate evil completely; if there really are evils, then there cannot be any such being†(Mackie, 150) A very well made argument indeed. However, the proponents of Theism and Religion have addressed the problem of evil and this logical paradox on the existential basis for ages together. But sadly, those arguments have never been to counter a clever poser as Mackie’s. However, it is not entirely impossible to adopt those answers to this obvious rejection of God on a quirky basis of a logical exemption. In most Theistic concepts, read Religion, God has indeed been described as omnipotent and completely good. But all Religions have taken note of eh fact that God did not will his creation to be a static equilibrium. It has been ordained to be a Dynamic equilibrium. All dynamics as logics permit can happen only when there are at the least two opposite directions and two opposing forces. Creation has been described as the collusion of two opposing or differing forces giving birth to new . All religions envisage creation as such. Heightened awareness of the power of two different, (not necessarily opposing) and individual powers have been found in the deification of the Shiva Linga (the phallus) in the (rather primitive for some) Hindu religious symbols and the concept of Ying and Yang that pervades the ancient Chinese philosophy and medicine. More than attributing Good as a characteristic to God, most Religions have described God as an omnipotent being who is beyond definition or a being from whom Definitions originate. Therefore a creation that has good, as perceived by Human mind and the inherent logic and Evil, as held repulsive by civilization are both creations of God. God is described as a singularity that is beyond the grasp of any man made attempts to attain it including Logic. More over all religions hold central the belief that the Universe is a grand design (and some religions which provide ample space for mysticism in their practice call it a Game God created to entertain himself). Consciousness is an ability God has provided Human being to be able to entertain the thoughts of quest for truth and try to decipher the secrets behind the creation. If consciousness is provide by God, then the entire capabilities covering the gamut of good to evil are all provided by god so that man can continue his (most probably, the ordained) task of quest for truth and die trying. ( Let us imagine God gave Tiger Woods his prowess in Golf, he also gave him his handicaps so that Woods can justify his life by trying continuously to overcome them and pit himself against several other god given powers of other golfers and justify his attempts at perfection) To Him, He being the singularity beyond the grasp of logic, reasoning and justice, He, who is the source of all definitions, Good and evil are part of the equilibrium he has provided Man with, to play out his life and continue the evolution of Civilization as per the design of God. Therefore, it is entirely possible to have God who is fondly defined as omnipotent and the personification of unending Good and kindness to allow Evil to exist as a small counter force to help establish the dynamics in the world. Though there are mythological stories that abound with the stories of incarnation of God triumphing over one form of evil or another, it is entirely the manifestations of the Theological concepts which use stories of God to guide man in his quest for morality which again is an underlying concept of the happening Universe, God must have envisaged. The existence of Evil is like the directions along a road on a long journey. If there is a signal, which entrusts the person on the journey to take right, drive east or any other direction, it is understood that by taking the opposite direction, he would go away from his goal. The presence of the opposite direction is not proof enough to say that the correct direction is not the right direction. It is the supreme power which has conceived both directions and stands aback amused to see if in its grand design, its creation, the man on the undertaking the journey, uses its consciousness and the powers of reasoning (again provided by Him) in making the correct judgment or not. Therefore the argument (which is precisely that, an argument) does not stand that the presence of Evil nullifies the probability of having an Omnipotent, omniscient being, which is wholly good called God. Let us take the analogy of the Games, which we had briefly touched upon in the case of Tiger woods. Why does a man create opposing teams with opposing goals and efforts in the opposite direction to entertain himself, say as in Football? It is to provide the necessary conflict that can make the game interesting and entertaining. By the same token, God provides for opposing moralities to see if the being he created (most religions fondly believe in His likeness) exercises his god-given prowess of understanding, logic and reasoning to make the right choice and comes out victorious in his quest. Armstrong made a strong reference to Relativity when he said that his small step was a giant leap for mankind. Similarly a giant leap for mankind might just be a speck of a movement in the grand and long journey God has planned for his creation towards the ultimate Truth. Einstein had proposed in his Relativity theory that as the speed inches towards the ultimate threshold of the speed of light, the energy required to accelerate towards it gets close to infinity. If Einstein has stumbled on a profound truth of the universe, then mankind’s each step towards unraveling of the truth about God, only makes his next step that much more or infinitely difficult. It is the opposing force of Evil, also part of God’s design that makes for the interesting conflict. It is but the duty of mankind to justify his existence by making his own judgments at every step to dodge the evil, so strategically placed to further his quest for a living God would have ordained him to live, not in an easy manner but in a difficult and interesting manner. Greatest factor of God’s creation is the seeming Choice for human being at every step, always accompanies with the uncertainty of not knowing the result of his choice. For a choice to be present there need to be two opposing or at the least different factors- if one is Good, the other has got to be Evil. For the omnipotent, Evil is not as evil as it is for us. It is another factor of his creation, which he has put in place to help his chosen being, the mankind to exercise his judgment. It is with admiration for the intellectual virility of J. L. Mackie, one must reject his theory that the presence of Evil negates the presence of God, because God as felt (and not described) by the miraculous attempts of Theists and religion is not just beyond description and definition, in fact He is the basis and the fountainhead of all the definitions and in whom all dissimilarities merge, unite and find their roots. Book cited Mackie, J. L. The Miracle of Theism: Arguments for and against the Existence of God Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1982
Monday, September 16, 2019
Q. 1. The potential revenue of the field. Find the most reliable figure for this, tell where you obtained it and explain why you think it is the most reliable figure that you could obtain. Ans. 1. Zimbabwe started selling diamonds and earned more than ?1 billion by selling diamonds (The Press Association). The soldiers forced people to work harder. They also tortured them and their children with heavily armed force. There is no official estimate for the revenue from selling stones and diamonds in that sector but an unofficial estimated range is showing ?1. billion from that field in Zimbabwe (The Press Association). The eastern alluvial diamond fields of diamond estimated to meet one-forth demand of the total demand of diamond across the world in 2006. They earned high revenue and profit by trading diamonds into several countries, like, Israel, India, Lebanon and Russia. The government of Zimbabwe earned $20 million from the legal sale of diamonds in 2008 (The Press Association). But the important thing is that most of the earned income and revenue of mining diamonds is illegal and it has no governmental or official record. If a Chinese mining company wants to set up a legal partnership with Zimbabwe government then it will achieve great revenue with high profit and growth through mining diamond in Marange which is a newly founded diamond field in Zimbabwe. This particular field of diamond is situated in the eastern field which earned high revenue through diamond mining in Zimbabwe. To expand their trade facilities, they arranged some private planes to bring buyers from foreign countries. Most of the diamond fields in Zimbabwe are illegal and distributing conflicting diamonds to many countries. These illegal mining fields are expecting high profit and thus they forced poor people to work harder under the mechanism of ‘Dig or Die’ (The Press Association). Poor people are bound to work under the heavily armed security guard in these illegal fields of diamond. According to Abbey Chikane, the Kimberley Process monitor for Zimbabwe, marked the Marange Diamond field in Zimbabwe as a certified diamond field to export conflict-free diamonds to meet the demand of diamond across the world (Mutsaka, Wonacott and Childress, 2010). The human right organization of Zimbabwe is protesting the diamond mining though several illegal diamond fields which are doing illegal activities through killing many poor helpless men, raping women and torturing children to get hard work from them. To solve these problems, the government of Zimbabwe has become very serious to set up legal diamond mines to export conflict-free diamonds. Q. 2. Who controls the Mining Development Corporation? Do they have any existing joint venture partners? Who in the Zimbabwean government will influence decisions regarding the investment? Ans. 2. Diamond exporting and supplying business is currently controlled by the government of Zimbabwe. Though it is controlled by the government, there is a presence of powerful illegal diamond fields in Zimbabwe and these fields are engaged in several illegal and non-ethical activities with the help of the armed police and security guard force of Zimbabwe. The presence of political battle and high rate of corruption in the Zimbabwean economic, political and social atmospheres guided the government to a wrong direction. Being the Zimbabwe monitor of the world diamond control body, Abbey Chikane, also stated that the diamonds are ready for sale in the international market to provide minimum international standard of diamond (Mutsaka, Wonacott and Childress, 2010). According to the investors, the mining of diamond in Marange was conducted through use of virtual slaves under the control of armed soldiers in 2008 (Mutsaka, Wonacott and Childress, 2010). Therefore, this field is not working legally or the government may be not serious about fact of diamond mining in Zimbabwe. The Kimberley Process is an international monitoring body to control conflict-free diamond supply from certified diamond fields under governmental rules and regulations. Mr. Chikane announced that Zimbabwe can start trading the Marange diamonds under proper guidance of the government of Zimbabwe. According to him, the Zimbabwe government has taken several effective steps to regulate legal diamond fields and to remove illegal sources of diamond. The Kimberley Process did not consider the fact of taking steps against governments which violated the rules of the human-rights organization in Zimbabwe in diamond mining. The Kimberley team investigated that the heavily armed security forces killed many people, raped women who were illegally mining in the Marange fields in July, 2008 (Mutsaka, Wonacott and Childress, 2010). But the officials denied these charges against them and the government and they told that the security guards were there to give protection to the governmental part of the Marange diamond fields in Zimbabwe. The Kimberley members restricted sales of diamonds by the Marange diamond fields as they were supplying non-certified stones in the international market with proper certificates. This helped to get certification for the diamond fields in Zimbabwe. It also allowed exporting several other legal diamond fields into the foreign market. Zimbabwe's government earned $20 million from the legal fields of diamonds in 2008 (The Press Association). There are some political conflicts in Zimbabwe in the issue of diamond exporting and mining from legal and illegal diamond fields of the country. After the election in Zimbabwe in 2008, the situation in Marange diamond field has become very much concern about their effectiveness of the Kimberley Process. A top member of the World Diamond Council, Martin Rapaport reigned from the Kimberley Process to protest against their activity and controlling mechanism of the process. Human rights organizations in Zimbabwe are now become very much concern about the export of diamond in the international market after getting the green signal to restart the sale of diamonds from the Marange diamond fields, where heavily armed soldiers deployed by the President Robert Mugabe have been charged for conducting illegal activities (Peta, 2010). The Zimbabwean government investigated that more than 4 million carats of diamonds were founded from the controversial fields of the Zimbabwean diamond fields. Marange was one of them. The estimated value of the total sale of diamonds will be around $1. 7bn according to the Zimbabwe's 2010 budget and that will be very much helpful to provide a boost to the economic condition of Zimbabwe (Peta, 2010). Investment from the foreign investors is always encouraged the mining development corporation of Zimbabwe. To meet the international demand of diamond, they are gradually expanding their international business through legal export of conflict-free diamonds of certified diamond fields of Zimbabwe. To increase their revenue, the government of Zimbabwe is very much interested to incorporate many foreign investors across the world. The director of the Centre for Research and Development which is a Zimbabwean human-rights organization was tracking the operations in Marange diamond field in Zimbabwe (Peta, 2010). According to them at the end of 2008, there was no improvement in the condition of the human rights in the Marange diamond field. Mr. Maguwu, the director of the research and development centre, also showed how diamonds from the Marange Diamond field were being smuggled out from Zimbabwe to Mozambique and it became a profitable strategy for the soldiers of Zimbabwe through illegal diamond export to other foreign countries (Peta, 2010). The Zimbabwe government forced the African Consolidated Resources to take back their claims against the government and their officials in the issue of diamond supply and export from the Marange diamond field in Zimbabwe at the end of 2006. The high court of Zimbabwe decided that all diamond mines should hand over their power of illegal diamond export to the central bank of Zimbabwe and those mines could get back their power after resolving the dispute in 2008 (Peta, 2010). Therefore, after the political and social battle in Zimbabwean diamond fields, it has become mandatory to get certified by the government, the diamond research and development centre and also by the human rights organization of Zimbabwe. Game Theory: Q. 3. Game theory is very useful in planning strategy. Your firm, if it decides that it is a good investment, wants to win the rights to develop the mine. Explain how you can use game theory to plot a winning strategy. Ans. 3. If the Chinese firm decides that it will be a good investment and also wants to win the rights to develop the diamond mines in Zimbabwe, then they should follow a strategic plan with game theory application. The firm can invest in the Marange diamond field through legal contract of partnership with the mining company. They should be aware of the fact that there are no illegal activities in the mining field against the human rights organization in Zimbabwe. The government of Zimbabwe should follow ethics of the social and political aspects in the case of diamond mining from different legal fields of diamond. According to the perfect formation of the game of this case of development in the field of diamonds, the most effective and suitable pay-off will be the combination of the investment of the Chinese firm and the investment in the legal fields of certified diamonds in Zimbabwe. The investment of the Chinese firm will be more profitable if the firm can invest into a legal field of diamonds, rather than investment into an illegal field of diamonds. There are some other factors related with social, ethical and legal perspectives of the country in the case of diamond mining. These aspects should be highly concerned by the Chinese company who is very much interested to get with some Zimbabwean mining company through legal partnership contract. The Chinese company can get high revenue and profit if it makes a contract with an illegal company but other social, legal and ethical aspects will not be there. There may be several strategies but only one pay-off will be economically, financially, legally and ethically viable for this case. Pricing Strategies: Q. 4. Explain why the price of diamonds in international markets is so high. Note that a good answer to this question will involve research into the pricing strategies of the firms that sell diamonds as well as the application of basic economic principles. Ans. 4. The price of diamond is very high in the international market. If demand increases for a commodity, the price of that commodity will also increase keeping other factors as unchanged. The demand curve of a commodity is downward slopping in the price of the commodity and the quantity demanded for the commodity framework. Demand Curve of commodity: Price Demand Curve †¢ Quantity Demanded (Source: varian, 2003, pp. 4-6) The price of the commodity and the quantity demanded of the commodity are taken respectively as the vertical and the horizontal line of the diagram. The demand of diamond is gradually increasing in the international market. In the above diagram, according to the basic concept of the demand curve, the demand is dependent on the price of the commodity. Therefore, the price of any commodity should also be dependent on the demand of the commodity. In general, if the demand increases, the price should fall according to the demand curve. But in this case, the price of diamonds is gradually increasing with the increase in the price of the diamonds. The price of the diamonds is very high in the international market to reduce the demand of diamonds in scarcity of diamonds in the global market. The scarcity of diamonds is the main reason for the increasing price of diamonds in the international market. At present, there are few diamond mines from which high quality diamonds can be found. On the other hand, there are few diamond mining companies in the world. Therefore, the competition in these companies is negligible. If a firm with monopoly power in a market increases the price of its commodity, there will be no change in the demand of the commodity. This advantage for the diamond mining companies encourages them to increase the price to achieve high revenue and profit from this business. In the competitive market the firms can not increase the prices of their products because if they increase the price the demand of the product will reduce in those firms and the consumer will prefer to buy from any other firm at lower price of the commodity. There is another important reason for the increment of the price of diamonds in the international market. Most of the exported diamonds are smuggled out from the African diamond fields in different countries. These smugglers have fixed very high price for these diamonds in the foreign market. Though this reason is illegal and not providing any economic theory, it is a very important reason for the high price of diamonds. Ethics: Q. 5. What is the Kimberly Process Certification Scheme? What are the elements of the scheme? Does this investment satisfy these? Why or why not? Ans. 5. Mines Minister of Zimbabwe, Obert Mpofu, stated that more than 90% of the total demand from the international market was achieved by the trade watchdog, the Kimberley Process group in November in 2009 (BBC News, 2009). The armed police force in the diamond mining field killed more than 200 poor people by torturing them at the Marange field of diamonds (The Press Association). The activists wanted to remove these pathetic and illegal activities which were gradually reducing the socio-economic culture of the economy. They also announced to reform the planning and controlling strategies of diamond fields in Zimbabwe and they fixed 2010 as the deadline of this reformation (BBC News, 2009). The Kimberley process is a controlling body under the governmental power in Zimbabwe. With the help of this organization, the government earned a lot revenue and profit but it was not helpful to maintain social, legal and ethical aspects of the economy. To achieve high profit and growth, this organization forced people to work harder in the diamond fields of Marange. The security guards killed many people, raped women and forced children to work continuously in the fields. The Kimberley Process decided to work against the human rights groups of Zimbabwe. Therefore, this process is not concern about the ethics of the organization and they are away from maintaining social responsibilities in Zimbabwe. The government denied these charges against their officials and they are still not very much worried about the fact. The 70-member Kimberley Process group approved a compromise diamond contract at a summit in Namibia in 2009 (BBC News, 2009). To maintain balance in the socio-economic aspects of the economy, an independent monitoring body with independent inspector was established. This organization mainly monitors the diamond mining from the controversial fields. As this process is completely away from maintaining ethics and any other social responsibilities, the investment in this organization will not provide any knowledge of social, economic, legal and ethical responsibilities. This will not be suitable or helpful for the future in a long-run perspective. Q. 6. Do you think that this investment is ethical? Why or why not? Ans. 6. Investment in this organization or process will not be an ethical decision for the Chinese mining company. This process helped to work illegally to achieve high profit in an illegal diamond mining sector. This process is not maintaining any ethics which should be helpful for long-term planning. This process also affects the environmental degradation in Zimbabwe. It is also damaging farming irrigation systems in Zimbabwe (Conflict & Blood Diamonds, 2009). If the Chinese mining company wants to observe a sustainable growth and development for a long-term perspective, they should not go for the partnership contract with the Marange Diamond mining fields and should not even go for investing in these illegal unauthorized and non-certified diamond mining fields in Zimbabwe.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Healthcare Issues/ Importance of Issues Essay
For a patient returning home after total hip replacement surgery, there is a need for the case manager to address any issues that may hinder proper healing or safety issues. In the case of Mr. Trosack, there are several issues that the case manager must address prior to discharge. First, Mr. Trosack is a newly diagnosed diabetic. He was prescribed Glucophage to help control his blood sugar and has demonstrated that he is able to perform his own blood glucose check using a glucometer. He has verbalized that he is not happy about having to take the â€Å"darn†medications and his family seems to be in denial about his diabetes. They believe that diet alone will control his blood sugar. Mr. Trosack’s unhappiness about taking medication and his family’s lack of concern about continuing the medication will put Mr. Trosack at risk for non-compliance with his medication regimen. It is important that Mr. Trosack receive ongoing education about controlling his diabetes including proper diet and taking his medications at specific times. This also needs to be addressed with his family so they are supportive in providing a healthy atmosphere for Mr. Trosack. Mr. Trosack is at a risk for falls given his age and history of falling down the stairs. His home is cluttered and there are many throw rugs which can interfere with safe ambulation. He is reliant on a walker for balance and lives on the second floor of his apartment building. It is important that any clutter and tripping hazards are cleared before Mr. Trosack can return home to decrease his chance of falling. It is also important that a physical therapist evaluate Mr. Trosack’s ability to climb 2 flights of stairs safely. Being newly diagnosed with hypertension, Mr. Trosack must be educated on the importance of rising slowly to prevent dizziness which may lead to falls. He also may become tired or dizzy from his Percocet. Any educational materials should be in larger print to compensate for his impaired vision and any verbal education must be done to his right to compensate for the hearing loss in his left ear. Mr. Trosack is at a risk for social isolation due to his inability to navigate two flights of stairs which lead to the outside of his apartment. His brother helps him manage the family bakery and will have to work extra hours since Mr. Trosack is unable to work. His son and daughter-in-law both work 60 hours a week and are trying to conceive a child. They were hoping to assist Mr. Trosack but admit that they have little spare time. They were intending to investigate whether there was a local grocery store that could deliver food. This social isolation could lead to depression or force Mr. Trosack to attempt risky behaviors to fend for himself. If he has a fall at home, there is no telling how long it would take for someone to come to his aid. Interdisciplinary Team Members and Roles Several disciplines should be involved in the discharge planning for Mr. Trosack. The nurse case manager will oversee the patient’s care to ensure that they have access to the resources they need to recover. They help coordinate the patient’s care and make sure all aspects of care are covered. Case managers communicate with other specialists and ensure that the care is delivered in a timely manner. The physician will assess Mr. Trosack and clear him medically for discharge to home. The physician will monitor the healing process and prescribe any medications necessary. Any referrals to specialists will originate from the physician. The physical therapist will work with Mr. Trosack to set up an exercise regimen to improve strength and stamina. He can assess whether or not Mr. Trosack is able to safely navigate the stairs leading to his home. Educating the patient about total hip precautions and safety is important. The physical therapist will teach the patient how to use the walker, safely get up from a seated or lying position, climb stairs and use the toilet while maintaining total hip precautions. He may recommend a raised commode or grab bars in the bathroom for safety. The social worker can assess the patient’s support system and recommend resources that can make life a little easier for the patient. She may recommend an aide to assist Mr. Trosack with bathing, dressing, shopping or light housekeeping. The social worker could set up the delivery of meals from Meals on Wheels or other service. She could help find a grocery store that delivers food to the patient’s home. Since Mr. Trosack will be alone most of the time and he has an increased risk for falls, the social worker could help set up a medical alert system, like Lifeline, that will allow Mr. Trosack to call for immediate medical assistance in the event of an emergency. Safety Assessment The entry to Mr. Trosack’s apartment requires walking up 2 flights of stairs. There is no elevator in the building. Mr. Trosack will not be able to safely navigate the stairs without the assistance of another person. He will not be able to carry his walker and safely descend the steps. If he does have the assistance of someone who will carry his walker, there must be a handrail available for extra stability. The physical therapist needs to educate Mr. Trosack on the safe way to ascend and descend stairs. When going up, Mr. Trosack should lead with his â€Å"good†leg, and then bring his operative leg to the same step. When descending the stairs, he should lead with his â€Å"bad†leg and then bring down his â€Å"good†leg. Mr. Trosack’s apartment is described as small and cluttered. The area will need to be cleared so there is a safe pathway for him to walk through that includes enough room for his walker. Any throw rugs should be removed to prevent tripping. The bathroom should be equipped with grab bars to give Mr. Trosack extra stability. A bath seat should be placed in the tub so Mr. Trosack does not have to stand while bathing, thus reducing the chance for a slip and fall. A raised seat commode would be useful to prevent breaking total hip precautions. Any old medication in the medicine cabinet should be thrown away to prevent confusion. The kitchen is small and cannot accommodate the walker. Mr. Trosack will have to be taught to safely navigate the kitchen using the counters for support. An occupational therapist could assess the situation and make recommendations for kitchen safety. The stove seems to be accessible with the controls on the front in easy reach. Old food in the refrigerator should be thrown away to prevent food borne illness. If an aide is involved in Mr. Trosack’s care, she could help with food shopping, throw away all old food each week and take the trash out. Discharge Plan Needs Mr. Trosack will require an environment that is safe and supportive during is recovery. His home will need to be cleaned and all tripping hazards taken away. He will need supervision in activities of daily living (ADLs) like bathing, cooking and ambulation. His groceries will need to be delivered and his trash will need to be taken down the stairs. He will need some form of communication to alert emergency services if he falls. His family is extremely busy working 60 hours a week and they have little spare time to help. The family needs to decide if they can take on this responsibility alone. Mr. Trosack needs to realize that he will not be able to help in the bakery until he is healed. The stairs to his apartment are a huge barrier to him leaving the home for any reason and he cannot do it safely without help. Social Isolation Mr. Trosack is at risk for social isolation due to living alone, lack of family support and inability to leave his house due to surgery. According to the World Health Organization, social isolation is associated with â€Å"increased rates of premature death, lower general well-being, more depression, and a higher level of disability from chronic diseases†(Children’s, Women’s and Seniors Health Branch, British Columbia Ministry of Health [BC Ministry of Health], 2004, p. ). The isolated tend to have a higher incidence of depression and stress-related conditions. People who feel alone are at an increased risk of early death. A British study found that the most socially isolated were 26% more likely to die than those who were active (Szalavitz, 2013). Some of this is due to delayed medical care caused by medical conditions going unnoticed until the condition has become advanced. Some is due to the lack of health benefits of social, physical contact like holding hands. Physical contact can help reduce pain and blood pressure while decreasing stress hormones and inflammation. The stress caused by social isolation generates the production of cortisol in the body. This has a deleterious effect on wound healing. On the other hand, during social contact and bonding, the body produces oxytocin. This hormone blocks the effects of cortisol and helps promote healing (Detillion, Kraft, Glasper, Prendergast, & DeVries, 2003). Psychological Factors Mr. Trosack will be alone most of the time. He is a widower and his family is busy with work. He is unable to leave his home due to mobility issues. He will not be able to function at the bakery as he wishes. This may lead to loneliness and frustration which will negatively impact his well being. He may become depressed and lack the motivation to continue with his therapy program. His sleep patterns may be affected and he may lose track of time which may make it difficult for him to maintain proper medication administration times. Recommendations It should be recommended that Mr. Trosack be discharged to home with several services in place to assist him. A visiting nurse will provide additional education about medications and monitor Mr. Trosack’s medication compliance. She can also reinforce teaching about diet and total hip precautions. A nurse aide can help with ADLs and some light housework to make sure the home remains uncluttered. The aide can help with shopping, cooking and taking out the trash. A physical therapist can visit and help with mobility and exercises. The therapist can determine when Mr. Trosack can advance to use of a can instead of a walker. The case manager can provide outside resources like transportation and Meals on Wheels. An occupational therapist can teach Mr. Trosack how to safely dress and bathe himself to promote independence. Visits from these professionals will also decrease the feeling of loneliness and social isolation.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Profile of Top 5 CEO in the Philippines Essay
1.- Data show that 49-year-old Federico Lopez earns the most both in terms of monthly salary and total compensation in 2011. In the 30-company PSEi list, Lopez is head of two firms: First Gen Corporation (FGEN) and Energy Development Corporation (EDC). As Chairman and CEO of FGEN, his basic monthly salary is around P1.79 million. Yup, that’s P1.79 million basic salary per month. He receives another P1.19 million per month as bonus and additional compensation. All in all, he gets more than P3 million every month as FGEN’s chief executive. The same position in EDC gives him an additional P1.4 million every month. Considering only these two companies, Lopez earns roughly P4.4 million monthly  more than any other CEO on the list. – Federico Rufino Lopez is the incumbent Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the publicly-listed Energy Development Corporation. He also heads the First Philippine Holdings Corporation and First Generation Corporation as their Chief Executive Officer. Lopez serves as Director of other Lopez-owned companies including ABS-CBN, Lopez Holdings Corporation (formerly Benpres Corporation), and First Private Power Corporation. – Lopez serves as the Chairman and CEO of Energy Development Corporation. Within the board, he serves as Chairman of Nominations and Compensation Committee, Chairman of Corporate Social Responsibility Committee and Member of Operations Committee. He has been a Board Member since the company’s privatization in 2007. – Lopez serves as the Chairman and CEO of Energy Development Corporation. Within the board, he serves as Chairman of Nominations and Compensation Committee, Chairman of Corporate Social Responsibility Committee and Member of Operations Committee. He has been a Board Member since the company’s privatization in 2007. – Prior to that, he served Vice President of First Philippine Holdings Corporation in September 1992, and oversaw the development, financing and implementation of its energy-related projects. He then served as the Assistant Treasurer in 1993. – At present, he is also the Chairman and CEO of First Gen Corporation and First Philippine Holdings Corporation (FPHC). He is also a director of ABS-CBN, First Private Power Corp., and Bauang Private Power Corp. He also serves as director, President and CEO of FG Bukidnon Power Corp., First Gen Hydro Power Corp., First Gen Energy Solutions, Inc., Red Vulcan Holdings Corp., Prime Terracota Holdings Corp., First Gas Holdings Corp., First Gas Power Corp., FGP Corp., Unified Holdings Corp., First NatGas Power Corp., and First Gas Pipeline Corp. – Lopez has been a member of the Energy Task Force since 1993 promoting market reforms in the power industry. He is also an environmentalist, serving as the President of the First Philippine Conservation, Inc. and a Director of Conservation International. 2. The sixth richest Filipino, Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala, is the second-highest paid CEO on the list. As Chairman and CEO of the conglomerate Ayala Corporation, he earns more than P2.42 million total compensation every month, inclusive of a monthly basic salary of P1.66 million. – Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala (born 1959) is a Filipino businessman. He currently serves as chairman and chief executive officerof the Ayala Corporation. His brother, Fernando Zobel de Ayala, is president of the corporation, while his father, Jaime Zobel de Ayala, was president until 1994 and currently holds the title of chairman emeritus. -In addition to his position in the Ayala Corporation, Mr. Zobel is chairman of the Board of Directors of Globe Telecom, Bank of the Philippine Islands, and Integrated Microelectronics Inc. (IMI); vice chairman of the Board of Directors and member of the Executive Committee of Ayala Land, Inc. (ALI); vice chairman of Manila Water Co.; and co-vice chairman and trustee of Ayala Foundation, Inc. He is also a member of various international and local business and socio-civic organizations including the J.P. Morgan International Council, Mitsubishi Corporation International Advisory Committee, Toshiba International Advisory Group, Harvard University Asia Center Advisory Committee, Board of Trustees of the Asian Institute of Management, National Council member of the World Wildlife Fund (US), and Chairman of World Wildlife Fund (Philippines). Honors include World Economic Forum Global Leader for Tomorrow in 1995; Emerging Markets CEO of the year in 1998 (sponsored by ING); Philippine TOYM (Ten Outstanding Young Men) Award in 1999 and Management Association of the Philippines Management Man of the Year Award in 2006. Most recently, Mr. Zobel was awarded the Presidential Medal of Merit on March 11, 2009 by Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo for â€Å"enhancing the prestige and honor of the Republic of the Philippines both at home and abroad.†– On September 27, 2007, Ayala Corp. chair Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala was conferred the Harvard Business School’s highest honor, the Alumni Achievement Award, byDean Jay O. Light. The award was also given to: Donna Dubinsky, A. Malachi Mixon of Invacare, Sir Martin Sorrell of WPP Group and Hansjorg Wyss of Synthes. Zobel de Ayala received his MBA from HBS in 1987. Zobel de Ayala was cited for â€Å"his innovative, entrepreneurial style of management (that) has benefited both Ayala and an island nation that faces significant social and economic challenges. He is the first Filipino to receive this prestigious award. – The Philippine Legion of Honor with rank of Grand Commander was awarded to Mr. Zobel on June 29, 2010. This is awarded by the President of the Republic of the Philippines to recognize outstanding public service that has benefitted the republic, particularly in the preservation of the honor of the country and in nation building. – On November 25, 2010, Mr. Zobel received the Asia Talent Management Award at the 9th CNBC Asia Business Leaders Awards held in Singapore. Mr. Zobel was recognized for â€Å"his personal involvement in supporting and nurturing leadership within the company.†Zobel was quoted as saying that he and his brother Fernando Zobel de Ayala, president and COO of Ayala, consider succession planning as a critical element in ensuring the corporation’s sustainability. He was the third Filipino to be recognized by the annual program, following Globe Telecom CEO Gerardo Ablaza, Jr. who received the ABLA in 2004, and Jollibee CEO Tony Tan Caktiong for corporate citizenship in 2006. – Mr. Zobel holds a B.A. degree in economics (cum laude) from Harvard College (1981), and an MBA from the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration (1987). He is married to Elizabeth (Lizzie) Eder Zobel, a descendant of Santiago Eder. The couple have four children. -3. Manny Pangilinan or MVP is Chairman and CEO of three companies on the list, making him the third-highest paid CEO with a combined total compensation of P2.65 million per month. This is inclusive of his monthly basic salary of P1.76 million in those companies. His basic salary is P950,000 per month as head of Meralco; more than P588,000 per month as chair of Metro Pacific Investments Corp. (MPI); and around P230,000 every month as CEO of Philex Mining Corporation. – Manuel V Pangilinan (born July 14, 1946 in Manila, Philippines), also known as Manny Pangilinan and MVP, is a Filipino businessman. He is the Chairman of the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company, from 1998 up to the present. – Pangilinan spent his elementary and high school days at San Beda College. He graduated cum laude from the Ateneo de Manila University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics. He received his MBA degree in 1968 from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.] He is also the owner of ABC/TV5 network, Cignal Digital TV and Smart Communications. He was the former Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Ateneo de Manila University. – Pangilinan founded First Pacific in 1981 and served as its Managing Director until 1999. He was appointed as Executive Chairman until June 2003, when he was named CEO and Managing Director. Within the First Pacific Group, he holds the positions of President Commissioner of P.T. Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk, the largest food company in Indonesia. He was named Chairman of Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT), after serving as its President and CEO until February 2004. He also serves as Chairman of Maynilad Water Services, Inc., Metro Pacific Tollways Corporation, Medical Doctors, Inc., Metro Pacific Investments Corporation, Landco Pacific Corporation, Pilipino Telephone Corporation, Smart Communications, Inc. and Manila Metro Rail Transit System. -4. Another highest-paid chief executive is Danding Cojuangco of San Miguel Corporation. As CEO of the diversified conglomerate SMC, he gets P1.58 million salary per month plus P746,000 additional compensation monthly, for a total of P2.33 million every month. – Eduardo Murphy Cojuangco, Jr. (born June 10, 1935), also known as Danding Cojuangco, is the chairman of San Miguel Corporation, the largest food and beverage corporation in the Philippines and Southeast Asia, former Philippine ambassador, and former governor of Tarlac. In 2005, his personal wealth was estimated at US$527 million.It was estimated that, at one time, his business empire accounted for 25% of the gross national product of the Philippines. He has been called â€Å"one of the country’s leading businessmen†. – He was a candidate for the Philippine presidency in 1992, ultimately losing in a tight election to Fidel V. Ramos. Ramos received 23.6 % of the vote. Miriam Defensor Santiago came in second with 19.7% and Cojuangco came in third with 18.2%. – He tested the political waters in 2003, planning to run in the 2004 Presidential and Local Elections, but soon withdrew. He was a close adviser and personal friend to former President Ferdinand E. Marcos, which led him to become estranged from his cousin,Corazon Aquino, who after Marcos’ ouster succeeded him as president. Cojuangco is of partial Irish, Spanish, and Chinesedescent.[citation needed] – Cojuangco was a member of the Rolex 12, a group of 12 men who were closest to Marcos and allegedly were his enforcers of Martial Law. He is also an honorary member of PMA Class 1951. Cojuangco also was accused by the military men at the scene ofBenigno Aquino, Jr.’s assassination, as the leader who orchestrated the crime. – He is currently the chairman emeritus of the Nationalist People’s Coalition, the party he founded in 1992 which served as his vehicle to further his aspirations in the 1992 presidential elections. – He was also an advocate for sports in the country through using his company as sponsors for various events. He is notable for supporting basketball in a huge way since the 1980s as a basketball godfather for President Marcos with the famed Northern Consolidated teams of coach Ron Jacobs and the three SMC owned teams currently playing in the Philippine Basketball Association (the flagship Petron Blaze Boosters, the Barangay Ginebra Kings, and the B-Meg Llamados). – He studied at San Beda College, De La Salle University, University of the Philippines, Los Baà ±os and California State College. – Besides English and Tagalog, he speaks Ilocano, the dialect of his mother and Kapampangan, the original dialect of the Cojuangcos. -5. James L Go, Chairman and CEO of JG Summit Holdings (JGS), Universal Robina Corp. (URC) and Robinsons Land (RLC)  total compensation of P1.82 million per month, roughly the same as his basic monthly salary – James L. Go, is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of JGSHI. He had been President and Chief Operating Officer of JGSHI and was elected to his current position effective January 1, 2002. As Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, he heads the Executive Committee of JGSHI. He is currently the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Universal Robina Corporation, Robinsons Land Corporation, JG Summit Petrochemical Corporation, Robinsons Inc., and Oriental Petroleum and Minerals Corporation. In addition, he is the President and a Trustee of Gokongwei Brothers Foundation, Inc. He was elected director of the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT) on November 3, 2011 and was also appointed as a member of PLDT’s Technology Strategy Committee. He is also a director of Cebu Air, Inc., Panay Electric Co., United Industrial Corporation Limited, Singapore Land Limited, Marina Center Holdings, Inc., Hotel Marina City Private Limited and JG Summit Capital Markets Corporation. He received a Bachelor of Science degree and a Master of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Employee Training & Development and Organizational Benefits Dissertation
Employee Training & Development and Organizational Benefits - Dissertation Example The economy demonstrates immense uncertainties which has made knowledge one the most important and reliable source of sustaining competitive advantage. Today, knowledge has evolved as the basic capital which triggers the process of development. Initially competition was primarily built on the foundation of the possession of specific resources at low costs. However, the trend has now shifted to the possession of knowledge and knowledge management, which forms a basic component determinant of competition between organizations. Today, modern organizations use resources like time, energy, money and information for the permanent advancement and training of their human resources. Organizations extensively involved with the creation of new knowledge, extending it within the entire organization and also implementing it with the new technologies have evolved as producers of quality goods and services (Vemic, 2007, p.1). Training and Development is an important component in the field of human resource management as it is concerned with those organizational activities which are aimed at improving or bettering the performance of employees in the organizational settings. Training primarily encompasses three activities, namely training, education, and finally development. It involves the transfer of skills and knowledge from a working expert to learners in order to improve their current job performance. The concept of development is much wider. It involves a multi faceted frame of activities aimed at bringing someone from his present level to a different threshold of performance. The project aims to bring forth the effectiveness of employee training and development activities in organizations. Firstly, it begins with presenting the aims and objectives for the purpose. This is followed by a literature review of the topic which emphasizes on different aspects of the subject. A primary research is also conducted which brings out the extent to which training and development acti vities help in the benefit of the organization. The results of the research is briefly presented, interpreted and analyzed at the end of the report. The project concludes by presenting the required recommendations on the subject. Research Aims and Objectives The report primarily aims to bring forth the requirement of training and development in organizations in enhancing employee productivity and organization performance. The main objectives of the research are To bring forth the effects of training and development in organization, To analyze the impacts of training in the productivity of employees, To investigate the different training and development practices adopted in organizations To determine the interrelationship between training and development and organization performance, and To analyze the changing trends in the training and development patterns in organizations across industries. Literature Review Employee Training and Development in Organisations Organisations in the U nited Kingdom and their managers have constantly exhibited
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Toward Delivery of effective mobile government Coursework
Toward Delivery of effective mobile government - Coursework Example In Oman people can apply for jobs via SMS and at the same time the government can update its citizens and provide other services through the SMS. However, the success implementation of this program depends not only on the government support but also to the citizen’s willingness to accept and adopt the mobile government services. For that case it is important to note and understand the factors contributing to mobile government rather than traditional service delivery methods. In previous researches, adoption of the mobile government has determinants such as usefulness, ease of use, perceived risk, trustworthiness, compatibility, external influence, relative advantage, image and facilitating conditions (Dillon & Morris, 1996, pp.2-15). On the other hand, citizens are also influenced by certain factors for easy acceptability of the program. These factors include citizen’s trust, culture and gender difference. ... GCC was formed in 1981 to develop, coordinate, integrate, and interconnect the member states in all aspects and at the same time strengthen ties among its people (Dillon & Morris, 1996, pp.2-15). Because of the availability of oil resources in the region, the GCC of that particular region was considered to be the richest worldwide by the GCC Statistical Department in the year 2005 that estimated Gross Domestic Product of US$ 324.36 billion. According to the 2004 census by the Ministry of National Economy, Oman had a population of 2.34 million people with a growth rate of 2 percent and a density of 7.6 persons per square kilometre. In 2003, the illiteracy level of the Omani population was 17.8 percent as compared to the 31.8 percent in 1993 meaning that the country has greatly invested in education in the past few years. This is important in the sense that for smooth implementation of the mobile government, it requires citizens with reasonable level of education and income. The statis tics show that 5.9 percent of the population does hold post-secondary education qualifications hence it is easier to evaluate the population that could easily adapt to the mobile government. The Oman government had a vision 2020 to develop its economy, promote external economic relationship, diversify industries and develop a robust economy that has professional leadership and skilled labour force (Horst & Kuttschreuter, 2007, pp.1838-1852). To achieve these visions, it became apparent that Information Technology was an essential tool and hence the government started investing in the mobile government. Generally the ICT sector is still at an early
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