Friday, December 27, 2019
Freud and Jungs Father/Son Relationship - 835 Words
FreudJung Introduction The relationship between Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud began in 1906 when Jung sent Freud a signed copy of his published studies. Unknown to Jung, Freud had already purchased his own copy of the book after hearing how favorably his name figured into the writings. Six months later, Freud sent a collection of his latest published essays to Jung in Zà ¼rich.(The Well-Documented Friendship of Carl Jung Sigmund Freud, 2014,p.1) When the two were finally able to meet in 1907 in Vienna, they sat and talked for thirteen hours straight.(Carr, J., 2012). From that day until 1909, their letters were filled with father-son references(Carr, J., 2012). Freud became a father figure to Jung(The Well-Documented†¦show more content†¦But also Freud has his own opinions about Jung’s interests.Freud dismissed Jung’s interest in religion and myths as being ‘unscientific.’(The Well-Documented Friendship of Carl Jung Sigmund Freud, n.d. ,p.4) After difference of ideas, some issues appears in their relationship. And it goes till last straw. Some issues that cause break-up Minna Bernays Freud’s wife’s sister Minna Bernays, told to Jung that she feels â€Å"sexual intimacy†to Freud. Jung never shared this information with Freud but according to Martin S. Fiebert, the revelation and initial deception had a profound impact on aspects of the Freud/Jung relationship.(F. Martin,2010) Anti-Semitism Freud apparently did not confront Jung directly and the issue of Jungs alleged anti-Semitism played a part in Freuds eventual distancing himself from Jung. As an example, Freud wrote to Rank in August, 1912 (Gay, 1988, p.231) and indicated that the problems with Jung reveal his failure to achieve an integration of Jews and anti-Semites on the soil of Psychoanalysis. Sabina Spielrein Sabina Spielrein falls in love with Jung when he is responsible doctor for her. And it comes to light with the letters that Sabina wrote her mother. Mutual Dream Analyses In his interview with Billinsky (1969, p. 42), Jung recalls, Freud had some dreams that bothered him very much. The dreams were about the triangle--Freud, his wife and his wifes younger sister. Freud had no idea I knew about theShow MoreRelatedSigmund Freud and Carl Jung1331 Words  | 6 PagesSigmund Freud and Carl Jung Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung begun their relationship in 1906, when Carl Jung sent Freud a copy of his signed published studies, But Jung did not know that Sigmund Freud actually already owned a copy (well-Documented). Jung looked up to Freud and saw him as a father figure (well-Documented). Freud became Jung’s Mentor. In 1909, Freud and Jung toured the United States, and this is were they had a few disagreement on the unconscious mind. Jung thought Freud was negativeRead MoreEssay on A Dangerous Method921 Words  | 4 PagesMethod, recounts the relationship between two psychiatry pioneers, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, in the early part of the 20th century. Michael Fassbender as Jung, Viggo Mortensen as Freud, and Keira Knightley as Jung’s patient and future psychoanalyst Sabina Spielrein. Its Jung around whom the story revolves, as a rising young intellect attempting to build on Freuds fledgling theories of psychoanalysis. In Cronenbergs version, we watch as their professional relationship evolves from student-teacherRead MoreEssay about Carl Gustav Jung1078 Words  | 5 Pagesinfluential not only in psychology, but in religion and literature as well. Jung was born on July 26, 1875 in Kesswil, Switzerland, the only son of a Protestant clergyman. At the age of four his family moved to Basel. His childhood was a lonely one. Jung observed his parents and teachers and tried to understand their behavior, especially that of his father. The elder Jung had a failing belief in religion. Jung could never understand why. There were numerous relatives on either side of his familyRead MoreSigmund Freud And Carl Jung1830 Words  | 8 PagesPsychology July 15, 2015 Freud vs. Jung â€Å"One repays a teacher badly if one remains only a pupil. And why, then, should you not pluck at my laurels? You respect me; but how if one day your respect should tumble? Take care that a falling statue does not strike you dead! You had not yet sought yourselves when you found me. Thus do all believers -- Now I bid you lose me and find yourselves; and only when you have all denied me will I return to you.†(Nietzsche Quoted by Jung to Freud, 1912), [McGuire, 1974]Read MoreCarl Jung s Theory Of Psychology2234 Words  | 9 PagesSigmund Freud along with Carl Jung are among the main pioneers of psychology, they can be viewed as the early founders and most influential thinkers, as they contributed significantly to the modern science of psychology. They earnestly searched to understand the human psychological frailties in their entire lives trying to address and understand the human’s internal changes and struggles. This paper will compare and contrast Feud’s theories to those of Jung. Though their theories differ, they haveRead MoreCarl Jung and the Spiritual Anima and Animus1946 Words  | 8 Pagesout from Jung’s archetypes are the anima and animus. Von Franz states that both the anima and animus have four sub-topics: erotic, romantic, spiritual and wisdom/ transcendent. The spiritual aspect of the anima and animus is quite important in Carl Jung’s theor y (Von Franz). On, July 26, 1875 Carl Gustav Jung was born in Switzerland. Jung was the fourth child of Paul Achilles Jung and Emilie Preiswerk and of the four children he was the only surviving child (Cherry). During Jung’s childhoodRead MoreEssay on Theory of Analytical Psychology2821 Words  | 12 PagesRunning head: Theory of Analytical Psychology Research Paper PSYC 341 Carl Jung’s Theory of Analytical Psychology Psychology of Personality By A. M. Barnett January 17, 2006 Abstract Carl Gustav Jung was bone July 26, 1875 (Feist and Feist, 2002). He was blessed to be surrounded by an educated family, including clergymen. Carl Jung as a young man was a colleague of Freud. His life’s work was exploring the unconscious. Freud’s theory of the unconscious made the unconscious soundRead MoreJungian Theories Essay1301 Words  | 6 Pagesfriend and mentor Sigmund Freud: the psychoanalytical theories. Early on in his career Jung followed Freud and supported his theories, but as Jung found aspects of Freuds theories that he found disagreements with, Jung parted and formulated his own (Anthony). In turn, his theories would go beyond psychology and affect theology, philosophy, and anthropology, according to George H. Pollock in World Book Encyclopedia. Jung was born on July 26, 1875 in Kesswil, Switzerland. Son to Johnannes Paul AchillesRead More The Life and Work of C.G. Jung Reconsidered Essay4204 Words  | 17 Pagescontributions to the fields of psychology, and philosophy as well. It can even be said, and has been, that Dr. Jung is the father of modern â€Å"new-age†thinking. He also laid the groundwork for those who were inspired by his thoughts, perhaps much in the way that he himself was originally inspired by Freud. Once again, while my original opinion of Dr. Jung caused me to â€Å"wonder how much of Jung’s work was truly visionary, and how much of it benefits from a positive hindsight bias because of the successes he wasRead More‘Describe and Evaluate Carl Jung’s Theory Concerning Personality Types and Show How They Might Usefully Help a Therapist to Determine Therapeutic Goals’4006 Words  | 17 Pages ‘Describe and evaluate Carl Jung’s theory concerning personality types and show how they might usefully help a therapist to determine therapeutic goals’ Page 1 Introduction In this essay I aim to demonstrate an understanding of Jung’s personality types by describing and evaluating his theory and to show how they might useful in helping a therapist to determine therapeutic goals. I will also look at some of the criticisms levelled at Jung’s theory. Carl Gustav Jung,
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Camping For Their Lives By Scott Bransford - 980 Words
In â€Å"Camping for Their Lives†by Scott Bransford it states that there has been a development of tent cities throughout the American West and how the lives of the people who dwell in them are affected. Bransford uses many different techniques to make his point to the readers. The author also uses valid evidence to support all of his claims. This reading overall is credible and informative to its readers. The author begins by discussing the lives of two individuals that reside in the tent homes of Fresno, California. He goes on to state that many other people also live similar lives in these tent houses not only in Fresno California but all across America. Bransford continues to inform the readers of how this is not a recent trend but an ongoing one that continues to affect people and gives some perspectives from people who are involved either by living in one of these tent cities or by working with the homeless. This topic is important because homelessness affects the lives of many people throughout society. Today with the cost of living being high and minimum wage being low, homelessness is not as uncommon as most people would like it to be. Tent cities are areas where people have gathered to build informal habitats. One of the main points the author begins with is that in any other country these kinds of areas would be called slums but in the United States they are called â€Å"tent cities â€Å"which is a form of doublespeak. These areas are without the luxuries of electricity,Show MoreRelatedCamping For Their Lives By Scott Bransford883 Words  | 4 PagesUpon reading the title â€Å"Camping for Their Lives†by Scott Bransford, A lot of images come to mind as they do for many people. Whether it be family outings, military experience or just plain adventure. Scott Bransford takes a good long look at camping in a different way. The author’s topic is about the tent cities and their homeless populations. He argues the struggles that they have with little or no help from the government and highlights a location in Central Valley California. The authorRead MoreCamping For Their Lives By Scott Bransford881 Words  | 4 Pages Upon reading the title to the reading â€Å"Camping for Their Lives†by Scott Bransford, A lot of images come to mind as they do for many people. Whether it be family outings, military experience or just plain adventure. Scott Bransford takes a good long look at camping in a different way. The author’s topic is about tent cities and their homeless populations. He argues the struggles that they have with little or no help from the government and highlights a location in Central Valley California.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
HRM Systems - Leadership - and Tacit Knowledge
Question: Discuss about the HRM Systems, Leadership, and Tacit Knowledge. Answer: Introduction: In the recent competitive market, every organization is trying to achieve more to survive and thrive in the market. The technological advances, preferences of the customers and the globalization factor are the major factors that are driving the growth in the organizations. The higher education institutions in Australia have undergone major changes in the recent years and it is said that these will continue in the future as well. The University of Queensland is located in the capital city of Queensland that is Brisbane. It is one of the top universities with respect to life science and business in Australia. The campus is spread across the inner suburbs of St. Lucia to the southwest end of the central business unit in Brisbane. The university was established in 1911 and is often referred as Sandstone University by the local people. The mission of the university is to influence the society in a positive way by engaging the excellence through application, transfer, creation and preservation of knowledge. The university helps in shaping up the future of the leaders, which will help in inspiring the future generation. The vision of the university is to impart knowledge, which will help in building leaders for a better world (UQ's Mission, Vision and Values 2017). The strategic HRM model of Jackson and Schuler helped in linking the competitive strategies such as cost reduction and innovation with the HRM practices. Laws and regulations- Australia has around 39 universities that are governed by the legislation that is present in the state or the territory. These higher education institutions help in serving the public in a traditional method (Schuler and Jackson 2014). The University of Queensland was established to serve the interests of the public for the international communities, Australian and the Victorian communities respectively. The university has the right to enjoy freedom of information that is present in the Australian jurisdiction, which will help in the creation of general rights to gain access to the information that is in possession of the local authorities. The Australian Federal Court has a provision to solve the disputes of the students regarding the federal matters but the forum is not appropriate to solve the disputes of the students that are non-federal in nature (Chuang, Jackson and Jiang 2016). Culture- The students face many challenges when they travel to new countries to pursue higher education especially if the culture of the home country of the student is strikingly different than the county in which the student goes to pursue the education. The psychological and the physical changes in the students hamper their performance in the educational sectors because of the adjustments they have to undergo on a regular basis. The students who come with a particular aim for a short period of time experiences culture shock, which happens due to the loss in the signs and symbols of an everyday life. These factors lead to a psychological stress in the individuals because they find it hard to cope with the strategies that are being exposed to them (Veloso, Tzafrir and Enosh 2015). The factors that have an influential effect on the students are the cultural differences of the host country with respect to the language, gender, proficiency, level of education, age and the self-esteem experience. Another major factor is the length of stay, which adds major discomfort as in the international students because of being exposed to new cultures (Hauff, Alewell and Hansen 2014). Politics- According to the review that was conducted by the Howard government in 2002, it was seen that provisional costs of the courses that were offered in the universities has increased because of the pressure that came came from local and international institutions. The students that come from underprivileged backgrounds including the socioeconomic backgrounds are not regularly present for the higher education in the universities (Ostroff and Bowen 2016). The attribution level accounted to well over 30 percent because of these factors. The government had a model that was based on discipline where the places of distribution of the funds were allotted to the universities. The government also entitled the students to a variable rate for their learning, which ensured that the students would only pay for the course that they were pursuing to complete their higher education. The recommendations that were provided by the government were that the student funding was to replace the old gr ants that were present with respect to teaching and learning with the new Commonwealth Grant Scheme (CGS) system. The contribution by the student was increased by 30 percent except for those who were pursuing the nursing and the teaching as profession. The government would also fund the Higher Education Equity Program (Su, Wright and Ulrich 2015). Unions- The education union that is present in Australia is licensed under the Fair Work Act 2009. It acts as a representative body for the employees who are working in the various schools and the universities. According to a survey that was conducted in the Queensland area, it was seen that the loss of the teachers led to a loss in the expertise, shortages of teachers and an increase in the partial wastage of investment (Adriaenssen, Johannessen and Saetersdal 2016). The globalization, modernization and the technological impacts faced challenges in the societies due to the post-industrial and knowledge-based foundations. This posed a great threat on meeting the daily challenges that the higher education sector faced in the recent times. To prevent this in the future, proper workforce planning is required across all the jurisdictions. This has to be done with the help of introducing minimum entry requirements in the academic standards (Budhwar and Debrah 2013). Labor Markets- Although there have been structural reforms in the last few decades, it is seen that Australia is in need of a higher education system that can adapt to the modern society and the challenges that it faces in the economy globally. The government has committed to make the higher education system better so that it can meet the future needs of the students (Bondarouk and Brewster 2016). One of the major factors that will help in reshaping the education system is to make the funding of labor based on demand and enrolment system needs to be implemented. One of the major needs is to identify the skills that are required to pursue in the higher education market. It is seen that the average age of the persons are between 25-29 years that have proper degree qualification and is eligible to continue in the education system. It was seen that the growth of jobs in Australia increased by 31.5 percent in between 2000 and 2009 (Buller and McEvoy 2016). Industry Characteristics- The scope and nature of the various universities that are present in Australia has to be studied critically for the process that is used in the strategic human resource management structural development. Most of the universities in the country are growing at a faster rate, which has increased the rate of competitive factor between each other. The flexibility in the prices under the best conditions has enabled the universities to gain access to the different funds that are present in the country for the future (Kaufman 2015). It needs to see that there is maintenance in the balance between price and the flexibility with respect to equity. This will help in critically evaluating the social and economical agenda. From these factors, it can be seen that over the next fifteen years Australia will become a dominating character with respect to universities. The public universities need to be related to the current model that is being used in the institution along w ith the strategies that they follow within the organization. The models need to address the issues that are based on the student segment and the type of services that they would require. The marketing channels in the universities needs to be supported by the value chain system (Hauff, Alewell and Katrin Hansen 2016). The laws and regulations of the university states that any federal matter that arises within the university can be solved in the court while the other issues need to be solved within the campus. This will help in maintaining a strong bond in the university. The culture in the university is that the foreign students get help from the faculty members in all means so that they can become fully equipped with the norms in the campus. There is strict regulatory body that looks after the ragging part inside the campus. If anyone is found guilty of it, then they are subjected to the decisions that will be taken by the higher authorities. From the political point of view, the university is entitled to receive grants from the government, which help the organization to expand its infrastructure and support the educational system. The union that is present in the organization is strong that helps in the retention of the employees and the faculty members. The salaries that they receive are in acc ordance to the job that they do in the organization. The organization conducts various workshops that help the labors to increase its productivity level. This ensures that the work is carried out in an efficient manner in the organization. The industrial characteristics of the organization are very strong as it is one of the topmost universities in Australia. This is due to the planned resource and the knowledge-based learning that is present in its premises. This has helped in spreading the knowledge that is imparted in the organization to various parts of the country (DeNisi and Smith 2014). Main functions of HR: Planning is one of the first phases in the employment cycle, which helps in calculating the number of employees that are available in the market and the number that is required to achieve the future demands of the organization. The planning has to be in line with the strategies that are adopted by the organization. One of the basic strategies for all organizations is to increase their profits, which can only be achieved by reducing the operational costs within the organization (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). The HR has to foresee the future demands of the organization and hire employees accordingly. If this is not done properly, then it may lead to a number of employees being available on the payroll of the organization. If there is an excess in supply of employees that what is demanded by the organization, the HR needs to reduce the number of employees. Therefore, it is important that human resource planning is related to the business strategies of the organization for it to succeed in the future. The technological changes and the rate of economy globally is increasing on a faster pace, which needs to be adopted by the organization for it to survive in the market. Thus, planning is the first phase of the employment cycle, which determines the number of employees that are requires along with the skills, experience and knowledge of the employees and the classification of the employees in to various departments in the organization (Fee 2014). Recruitment helps the organization in finding the suitable employees through proper advertisements, word of mouth and the various employment agencies. It helps the organization to recruit staffs so that it can meet the specific targets. The method of recruitment process is mainly of two types such as internal and external (Wilton 2016). Internal recruitment is the process through which the employees that are currently present in the organization applies for any available positions within the organization. This kind of recruitment happens when there an employee is promoted and it acts as a motivational factor for the current employees. This happens when the organization is big in size and there is a scope for this recruitment. The internal recruitment process helps an organization to develop the skills of the existing employees. This allows the organization to lower its cost in the recruitment process and helps the organization in replacing the vacant position with an employee who is familiar with the operations. Another way in this recruitment process is by using the referral scheme, where some of the employees are identified and are referred to the higher authorities by the existing employees (Storey 2014). External recruitment is the process where the suitable candidates apply for the job from outside the organization. An organization will use this process when they are in need of different attitudes and ideas. This process is usually done when the organization is large and there are various positions that are available within the organization. The organization also needs to identify the particular labor force that is present in the current location. This will help them in maximizing their use of resources that is available locally (Aswathappa 2013). The HR department does selection of the employees in the organization and it is one of the most important tasks for them. This helps in screening and the sifting the employees according to their knowledge and skills so that they remain productive in the workplace. Interviews and various tests that are conducted on the employees are all a part of the selection process. Selection of the employees is an expensive procedure because effort and quality time has to be invested. Sometimes the selection of the employees may be of poor quality, which may lead to increase in the cost of training and the productivity level of the organization may be low (Tyson 2014). While selecting the employees for the suitable position in the organization, certain options needs to be taken in to account by the HR of the organization. Some of the useful tools in the selection process can be the application form where the employees provide background of themselves, which helps the organization in understanding the needs of the candidates. Another tool can be the various tests that are conducted, which are written and practical in nature. It helps in understanding the intelligence and the abilities of the employees. Interviews are a common medium, which is used in the process of selection. These interview rounds need to have a structure and the questions needs to consistent and common in nature. This helps the organization in knowing the potential candidates better and the suitable positions that they deserve in the organization (Stredwick 2013). The remuneration is the financial statement that the employees receive for the service that they render within the organization. The mode of payments for the employees is in the form of wages and salary. Wages are the rate of payment that is paid to the employees on an hourly or weekly basis. Remuneration helps in increasing the productivity and the efficiency of the employees and keeps them loyal and committed towards the organization for the services they are rendering (Purce 2014). The payment that is made to the employees needs to be fair and appropriate, which will help in motivating the employees that in turn will help in lowering the absent rates of the employees. Remuneration acts as a part in motivating the employees but attracts and ensures that the employees are retained in the organization. Most of the organizations in the current scenario reward their employee who achieve more than the target that was set to them these rewards are done so that the employees remain in the organization and remains motivated (Hauff, Alewell and Katrin Hansen 2016). The extra payment that is made to the employees can be of different types such as giving them financial benefits such as incentives, commissions, bonuses and some allowances when they are able to meet the specific target. Some other rewards that the organization gives are the use of a company car, extra period of holidays, personal laptops so that they can perform the duties whenever it is required for the organization (Fee 2014). Training and development of the employees help in upgrading the abilities and the skills of the employees. These are necessary because it will help in the growth of the organization and the employees will have personal development with the training that they will receive. It is important to give training to the new employees, as it will help them in gaining knowledge about the task they will be performing within the organization. The existing employees also receive training process, which helps them in developing their skills. Training helps in bringing changes in the skills, knowledge and the attitudes of the employees, which will help in enhancing the performance levels of the employees. It is seen that many organizations do not allot a period for the proper training of the employees, which is a drawback for the organization, as the productivity levels of the employees remain poor (Aswathappa 2013). When a proper training is provided by the organization, it not only increases the s kill set of the employees but also helps the organization in gaining a competitive advantage over other firms. There are various forms of training such as off-the-job training, which can be done through various classroom programs, on-the-job training where the organizations provide the training facility within the workplace through proper coaching and job rotations. The other two types of training are action learning, which is done by making the employees solve the problems that are present in the work environment and competency-based training helps in identifying the strengths that the employees possess and helps them in developing it (Wilton 2016). In an effective organization, rewards and recognition program helps in attracting, retaining, and motivating the employees. It helps the employees to get acknowledged and stand out amongst his peers. These acknowledgements may include bonuses for the employees who have rendered better service within the organization. These facilities help in putting the strategies of the organization in a better way, which will help in changing and supporting the values that are present in the corporate. The rewards can be non-financial or financial and extrinsic or intrinsic in value. Extrinsic rewards are the ones that are provided by the organization outside the nature of the job such as incentives in financial benefits and work schedule flexibility under the non-financial benefits. Intrinsic rewards are those kinds through which the employees gain from the job that they are assigned such as the sense of achieving the target (Storey 2014). The HR department of the university works efficiently so that it meets all the requirements and helps the organization by supplying the best employees who are committed to their work. The planning is done in such a way so that the vacant positions are filled in with the appropriate employees, which will help in achieving the productivity level of the organization easily. The recruitment process is based on interviews and various aptitude tests that help in selecting the suitable employees for the job. This helps the organization, as the employees that are selected in the process are usually capable of handling the issues that arises in the university. The university has a training period of ten days for the new employees, which helps them in acquiring the knowledge that is needed to carry out the responsibilities in the university premises. The HR department of the university meticulously plans the remuneration that is seen appropriate for the employees, which helps in retaining the employees. The employees receive the remuneration according to the positions they have in the university. There are various rewards for the employees, which helps them to be motivated in the workplace (Marler and Fisher 2013). Reference List Adriaenssen, D.J., Johannessen, J.A. and Stersdal, H., 2016. How can we improve the effectiveness of HRM strategy? A model for future research. Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014.Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Aswathappa, K., 2013.Human resource management: Text and cases. Tata McGraw-Hill Education. Bondarouk, T. and Brewster, C., 2016. Conceptualising the future of HRM and technology research.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,27(21), pp.2652-2671. Budhwar, P.S. and Debrah, Y.A. eds., 2013.Human resource management in developing countries. Routledge. Buller, P.F. and McEvoy, G.M., 2016. A Model for Implementing a Sustainability Strategy through HRM Practices.Business and Society Review,121(4), pp.465-495. Chuang, C.H., Jackson, S.E. and Jiang, Y., 2016. Can knowledge-intensive teamwork be managed? Examining the roles of HRM systems, leadership, and tacit knowledge.Journal of management,42(2), pp.524-554. DeNisi, A. and Smith, C.E., 2014. Performance appraisal, performance management, and firm-level performance: a review, a proposed model, and new directions for future research.Academy of Management Annals,8(1), pp.127-179. Fee, M.C., 2014. Human resources management. Hauff, S., Alewell, D. and Hansen, N.K., 2014. HRM systems between control and commitment: Occurrence, characteristics and effects on HRM outcomes and firm performance.Human Resource Management Journal,24(4), pp.424-441. Hauff, S., Alewell, D. and Katrin Hansen, N., 2016. HRM System Strength and HRM Target AchievementToward a Broader Understanding of HRM Processes.Human Resource Management. Kaufman, B.E., 2015. Market competition, HRM, and firm performance: The conventional paradigm critiqued and reformulated.Human Resource Management Review,25(1), pp.107-125. Marler, J.H. and Fisher, S.L., 2013. An evidence-based review of e-HRM and strategic human resource management.Human Resource Management Review,23(1), pp.18-36. Ostroff, C. and Bowen, D.E., 2016. Reflections on the 2014 decade award: Is there strength in the construct of HR system strength?.Academy of Management Review,41(2), pp.196-214. Purce, J., 2014. The impact of corporate strategy on human resource management.New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals),67. Schuler, R. and E. Jackson, S., 2014. Human resource management and organizational effectiveness: yesterday and today.Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance,1(1), pp.35-55. Storey, J., 2014.New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals). Routledge. Stredwick, J., 2013.An introduction to human resource management. Routledge. Su, Z.X., Wright, P.M. and Ulrich, M.D., 2015. Going Beyond the SHRM Paradigm Examining Four Approaches to Governing Employees.Journal of Management, p.0149206315618011. Tyson, S., 2014.Essentials of human resource management. Routledge. UQ's Mission, Vision and Values, 2017. UQ's Mission, Vision and Values - About UQ - The University of Queensland, Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Mar. 2017]. Veloso, A., Tzafrir, S. and Enosh, G., 2015. How employees perceive HRM practices: Differences between public and private organizations.Human resource management challenges and changes, pp.19-36. Wilton, N., 2016.An introduction to human resource management. Sage.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
What Samuel Johnson Really Did free essay sample
Although the people who have made the dictionaries in the 17th century and the 18th century had released some dictionaries, Samuel Jackson’s dictionary which is called â€Å"Dictionary of the English language†which was published in 1755. His dictionary has made the standards for dictionaries in America and England. His dictionary also made a massive change and transform in language authority from grammarians (who study grammar and writes grammar books) into lexicographers (who write dictionaries). Dictionaries in the past in the 17th century considered as and unskillfully written list of definitions synonyms that were not pretty well-developed definitions to translate foreign languages such as the French and Latin languages. But the grammar texts contain many components of the words like the definitions, pronunciation, spelling, usage notes and entomology. The word â€Å"codification†refers to the style and process. By which the language had made these methods followed by the creation and the use of language guides, the grammar textbook, style, and dictionaries. We will write a custom essay sample on What Samuel Johnson Really Did or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is very important to know that â€Å"Codification†continues the process. The most important thing in the codification of English was in the 18th century. It was specialized with the publication of 100’s of dictionary and grammar. This contains dictionaries like Samuel Johnson’s monumental dictionary in 1755.The English language dictionary is published on the 15th of April 1755, written by Samuel Johnson. The dictionary was sometimes called â€Å"Johnson’s dictionary†it’s one of the most effective or influential dictionaries in the history of ‘English language’. But there was discontent with the dictionaries of the time. So a group of London booksellers in June 1746 made a deal with Johnson to write a dictionary for money of 1500 â€Å"Guineas†it was their money at that time. It equals to 220 thousand pounds, in 2017. It took him a time of seven years to complete the dictionary although he said he can finish it in 3 years. And remarkably, he did it by himself with only clerical help to copy out the illustrative quotation that he had highlighted in books. He made many revised editions during his life career. Until the completion of â€Å"Oxford English dictionary†one hundred seventy-three years later, Jonson’s dictionary was viewed as the surpassing English dictionary. â€Å"The dictionary easily ranks as one of the greatest single achievements of scholarship, and probably the greatest ever performed by one individual who labored under anything like the disadvantages in a comparable length of time (Jackson, W. 1977).
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