Friday, December 27, 2019
Freud and Jungs Father/Son Relationship - 835 Words
FreudJung Introduction The relationship between Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud began in 1906 when Jung sent Freud a signed copy of his published studies. Unknown to Jung, Freud had already purchased his own copy of the book after hearing how favorably his name figured into the writings. Six months later, Freud sent a collection of his latest published essays to Jung in Zà ¼rich.(The Well-Documented Friendship of Carl Jung Sigmund Freud, 2014,p.1) When the two were finally able to meet in 1907 in Vienna, they sat and talked for thirteen hours straight.(Carr, J., 2012). From that day until 1909, their letters were filled with father-son references(Carr, J., 2012). Freud became a father figure to Jung(The Well-Documented†¦show more content†¦But also Freud has his own opinions about Jung’s interests.Freud dismissed Jung’s interest in religion and myths as being ‘unscientific.’(The Well-Documented Friendship of Carl Jung Sigmund Freud, n.d. ,p.4) After difference of ideas, some issues appears in their relationship. And it goes till last straw. Some issues that cause break-up Minna Bernays Freud’s wife’s sister Minna Bernays, told to Jung that she feels â€Å"sexual intimacy†to Freud. Jung never shared this information with Freud but according to Martin S. Fiebert, the revelation and initial deception had a profound impact on aspects of the Freud/Jung relationship.(F. Martin,2010) Anti-Semitism Freud apparently did not confront Jung directly and the issue of Jungs alleged anti-Semitism played a part in Freuds eventual distancing himself from Jung. As an example, Freud wrote to Rank in August, 1912 (Gay, 1988, p.231) and indicated that the problems with Jung reveal his failure to achieve an integration of Jews and anti-Semites on the soil of Psychoanalysis. Sabina Spielrein Sabina Spielrein falls in love with Jung when he is responsible doctor for her. And it comes to light with the letters that Sabina wrote her mother. Mutual Dream Analyses In his interview with Billinsky (1969, p. 42), Jung recalls, Freud had some dreams that bothered him very much. The dreams were about the triangle--Freud, his wife and his wifes younger sister. Freud had no idea I knew about theShow MoreRelatedSigmund Freud and Carl Jung1331 Words  | 6 PagesSigmund Freud and Carl Jung Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung begun their relationship in 1906, when Carl Jung sent Freud a copy of his signed published studies, But Jung did not know that Sigmund Freud actually already owned a copy (well-Documented). 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